Links that you may find useful as you learn new data structures
and algorithms.
There is no required textbook. But, this is data structures textbook in Java that I like:
Note: The earlier editions are much cheaper and also good for students learning about data structures.
Basic Data Structures
Review Data structures that you
should already know.
Data Structure Visualizations by David Galles
Data Structure Visualizations by David Galles of University of San Francisco, visualizes inserts and deletes for several popular data structures and algorithms.
There are instructions for how to create your own visualization.
If you do create one, let me know. There may be an opportunity for
course participation credit for your work.
CS Linux Workstation - Getting Started documents
Java Review
Java Review for the AP CS A Exam
- This site has several good interactive questions.
- Please let me know if you find terminology difference, recall
- length of path of a tree: count the nodes
- length of path in a graph: count the edges
Sorting Video courtesy of YouTube
Visualization and Comparison of Sorting Algorithms
Use the Internet to draw and diagram things for you
- Create a graph using this web app
- Create a finite state machines (graph)
- Generate (draw) a tree
- Generate a tree diagram from a text definition of the tree.
This page lets you build trees with recursive text definitions (i.e. build this full tree [A [B [D] [E]] [C [F] [G]]] )
- Java Memory Visualizer
- The first Java visualizer site I found and liked.
-- visualize recursive method calls
This page allows you to enter java program code and then visualize the memory used as it runs.
- Click [Visualize Execution] link
- Step through code using [Forward] button.
- You can [edit code] and make your own Java visualizations.