1997-2001, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of
Computer Sciences
MS in computer architectures, GPA 3.5
Minor in electrical and computer engineering
Courses: Introduction to Operating Systems, Introduction to
Programming Languages and Compilers, Computer Systems Modeling
Fundamentals, Database Management Systems: Design and Implementation,
Advanced Computer Architecture 1 and 2, Construction of Compilers,
Advanced Operating Systems, VLSI System Design, Commercial Servers:
Workloads and Architecture, Digital System Design & Synthesis,
Solid-State Transducers and Micro-electromechanical Systems, Digital
Engineering Laboratory
Research areas: design of multiprocessor systems and the
interactions between multiprocessor interconnection networks and cache
1993-1997, Swarthmore College
BS in engineering, BA in computer science, GPA 3.0
Timestamp Snooping: An Approach for Extending SMPs. Milo
M. K. Martin, Daniel J. Sorin, Anastassia Ailamaki, Alaa
R. Alameldeen, Ross M. Dickson, Carl J. Mauer, Kevin E. Moore, Manoj
Plakal, Mark D. Hill, and David A. Wood. Ninth International
Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and
Operating Systems (ASPLOS), November 2000.
September 2001-present. Senior Application Engineer,
Virtutech AB. Support and training for the Simics full system
September 1998-September 2001. Research assistant to Professor Mark
Hill, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Computer
Sciences. Wrote a simulator for the interconnect proposed in
"Timestamp Snooping".
June 2000-August 2000. Intern, Compaq Computer
Corporation, Alpha Development Group. Wrote a cycle accurate simulator
for the second level cache controller of the Alpha 21464.
Participated in VSSAD architectural design discussions.
May 1998-August 1998. Engineering intern. Intel
Corporation, Performance Microprocessor Division, Compatibility
Validation. Participated in client-server stress test
development. Configured and installed Solaris and SCO OpenServer test
development platforms in preparation for porting tests to IA-64
Merced. Supported Katmi/Tanner Validation testing under Unix operating
September 1997-May 1998. Teaching assistant, University
of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Computer Sciences.
Summer 1996. Programmer, Quantum Research Corporation, Bethesda,
MD. Participated in the development of a scripting interface between
SQL and HTML. Converted a flat-file database into a fully relational
September 1995-May 1997. Technical support associate,
Swarthmore College Computing Center. Supported faculty and staff
Macintosh computing.
January 1994-September 1995. Programmer, Swarthmore
College Department of Engineering Concert Hall Project. Participated
in the redesign of an architectural acoustics simulator.
January 1994-June 1997. Officer, Swarthmore College
Computer Society. Participated in management and policy
creation for two student-run production Unix servers for student use.
Summers 1993 and 1994. Computer aide, U.S. Food and Drug
Administration, Office of AIDS and Special Health Issues. Cataloged
physical database of biomedical publications.
Programming languages: C, C++, Java, Perl, M6811 Assembly.
Other languages: LaTeX, HTML, Verilog.
Operating systems: Solaris, Linux, Macintosh OS, Windows NT.
Professional Affiliations
October 1993-present, Student Member IEEE.
September 1994-September 1996, Student Branch Vice-Chair.
February 1998-present, Student Member IEEE Computer Society.
January 1999-present, Student Member Association for Computing Machinery