CS 880: Advanced Complexity Theory
Spring 2004

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Lecture Notes

Date Lecture Title Scribe Notes
1/21 Course Overview Denis Charles ps
1/26 Hardness of Approximation Results Rakesh Kumar, Yunpeng Li ps
1/28 PCPs and Hardness of Approximation Martin Hock, David Koop ps
2/02 PCPs and Interactive Proofs Bess Berg, Scott Diehl ps
2/04 Interactive Proofs for coNP Asher Langton , Todd Miller ps
2/09 Interactive Proofs for PSPACE Venkat Chakaravarthy, Denis Charles ps
2/16 Randomness-Efficient PCPs for NP Chris Hudzik, Mike Kowalczyk ps
2/17 Randomness-Efficient PCPs for NP Aparna Das, Giordano Fusco ps
2/18 Testers and Self-Correctors for Polynomials Jeff Kinne, Eric Skaug ps
2/23 Query-Efficient PCPs for NP Chris Kaiserlian, Dan Shumow ps
2/25 Query-Efficient PCPs for NP Rakesh Kumar, Yunpeng Li ps
3/01 Proof Composition Jeff Kinne, Eric Skaug ps
3/02 Proof Composition Bess Berg, Scott Diehl ps
3/03 Query Aggregation Chris Kaiserlian, Dan Shumow ps
3/08 Fourier Analysis Aparna Das, Giordano Fusco ps
3/09 The Long Code Chris Hudzik, Mike Kowalczyk ps
3/10 Strong PCP Theorems Martin Hock, David Koop ps
4/05 Pseudorandom Generators Chris Hudzik, Asher Langton ps
4/07 Predictability versus Distinguishability Jeff Kinne, Eric Skaug ps
4/12 The Nisan-Wigderson Construction Aparna Das, Giordano Fusco ps
4/19 Univariate Polynomial Reconstruction Martin Hock, David Koop ps
4/20 Multivariate Polynomial Reconstruction Chris Kaiserlian, Dan Shumow ps
4/21 Worst Case to Average Case Hardness Transformations Rakesh Kumar, Yunpeng Li ps
4/26 Randomness Extraction Bess Berg, Scott Diehl ps
4/28 Extractors Aparna Das, Martin Hock, Chris Hudzik, David Koop, Eric Skaug ps
5/03 Derandomization vs. Circuit Lower Bounds Bess Berg, Scott Diehl, Giordano Fusco, Chris Kaiserlian, Dan Shumow ps
5/05 Derandomization vs. Circuit lower bounds Rakesh Kumar, Asher Langton, Yunpeng Li, Jeff Kinne ps


Date Time Room Topic Presenters
5/10 2:00pm 3331 Statistical Zero Knowledge Jeff Kinne, Eric Skaug
5/10 4:00pm 3331 Inapproximability of Lattice Problems Giordano Fusco, Asher Langton
5/11 4:30pm 5331 Inapproximability of the Travelling Salesman Problem Rakesh Kumar, Yunpeng Li
5/12 10:00am 2310 Time-Space Lower Bounds for Satisfiability Scott Diehl
5/12 1:30pm 7331 Inapproximability of Set Cover Martin Hock, David Koop
5/13 11:00am 7331 Quantum Interactive Proof Systems Bess Berg, Chris Hudzik, Dan Shumow
5/13 1:30pm 2310 Property Testing Aparna Das
5/14 3:30pm 5331 Locally Decodable Codes Chris Kaiserlian
