CS 880 - Pseudorandomness and Derandomization
Spring 2013 |
Scribe Guidelines
You should email Holger a draft of
your scribe notes within 24 hours of your lecture. Be sure to use the
\draft command included in lectureXX.tex to let us know you intend to
submit another, final version at a later time.
Send both the LaTeX source and the PDF file.
We will make the draft available to the class at that time via our webpage.
The final version should be submitted at the latest one week later.
Take time to prepare notes that are of high quality. A student who has missed
a lecture should be able to learn the material from the scribe notes alone,
and the notes should be easily readable. Make sure to clarify any points of
confusion in the material with the instructors before submitting the
final version. The expectation is that the quality of the notes is
similar to that of the text books that are used as references for this
course. Your fellow students and the instructors will greatly
appreciate the time you spend preparing excellent scribe notes!
The source of the first lecture.
You should model the layout of your file after this file, and you
can use this file as a reference of Latex syntax.
- lecture.sty:
This style file
defines some simple environments (e.g., theorem, lemma,
proof) and also creates our lecture banner using the
\lecture command.
\lecture takes 4 arguments:
\lecture{lecture number}{lecture title}{date}{scribe name} .
The file lecture.sty needs to be in the same directory as the .tex file.
- references.bib:
This bib file contains the references for the lecture notes and will
be kept up-to-date.
If you add any references to this file, please include it in your
The file needs to be in the same directory as the .tex file.
This is a template file.
It has some examples of the new environments we've defined.
Basic Instructions
To compile the lecture notes, either use latexmk:
latexmk -pdf lecture00.tex
or manually run the necessary commands:
pdflatex lecture00
bibtex lecture00
pdflatex lecture00
pdflatex lecture00
Latex Resources