CS 578 - Contest-Level Programming
Fall 2014 |
Course Description
This one-credit course prepares you for programming contests like the
International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). It focuses on
assessing the coding difficulty and complexity of computational problems,
recognizing the applicability of known algorithms,
coding quickly and correctly,
developing adequate test cases, and
programing efficiently in a team.
CS 367 (Data Structures) is an essential prerequisite; CS 577 (Intro to
Algorithms) is recommended.
Course Work
- Attending the regular meetings:
Wed 6:00-7:00pm in 1221 CS&S.
- Solving the assigned problems.
Most of the regular meetings are
centered around problem sets focusing on a specific paradigm.
- Participating in the programming sessions:
the placement test on Sun 10/5, 1:00-6:00pm, the team practices on
Sun 10/19, 1:00-6:00pm,
and Sun 11/2, 1:00-6:00pm, and the regional competition on Sat 11/8.
- You need to attend all programming sessions in order to
pass the class.
- In addition, if you get at least 75% of the assigned problems solved
by the deadline, you earn an A; for at least 50% you earn a B; for
at least 25% you earn a C; for only attending all the programming sessions
you earn a D.