Computer Sciences Dept.

CS 577 - Introduction to Algorithms

Fall 2015
Picture of Kleinberg-Tardos cover

Course Description

This course provides an undergraduate-level introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms. The main focus lies on techniques for constructing correct efficient algorithms and on tools to reason about them. Design paradigms include greed, divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, reductions, and randomness (time permitting). A second focus point is computational intractability. NP-complete problems are covered, as well as ways to deal with them.

The course forms a foundation for all areas of computer science. The particular computational problems discussed have applications in artificial intelligence, computational biology, compiler construction, hardware and network protocols, and optimization.


The recommended text is: Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos, Algorithm Design, Addison-Wesley, 2006.

Lecture notes for the course are being developed. Drafts will be made available as soon as possible.


CS 240 (Discrete Mathematics) and CS 367 (Data Structures)


Check out the course calendar below for office hours and locations.


  • Section 1: TR 1:00-2:15pm in Noland 168
  • Section 2: TR 2:30-3:45pm in Noland 168

Review Sessions

MT 7:15-9:15pm in CS 1240

More Info

  • Moodle: lecture schedule, assignments, other course materials, and grades.

  • Piazza: on-line discussions.

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