International Collegiate Programming
Basic Graph Algorithms
This session focuses on graphs and basic graph algorithms. If you are not
familiar with the relevant concepts and algorithms, or you need a refresher,
you can use the resources below.
Problem Set (#2)
Rank the Languages
Page Hopping
Color Game
Number Maze
Anti Brute Force Lock
Full Tank
Note: All problems expect I/O to be done using standard input and standard
output. The solution to problems must be written in a single file.
If you are programming in Java the application class should be called
"Main" and should be in the default package.
The graphs here are collections of vertices, joined by (possibly directed,
possibly weighted) edges. For notions
like neighborhoods, paths, cycles, connectedness, trees, and so on,
the Glossary of graph theory on Wikipedia
is a good source of information.
Wikipedia page has some information on the representation of graphs.
The basic algorithmic procedures that are most relevant for the ICPC include:
- graph traversal,
- finding connected components,
- finding shortest paths, and
- finding minimum spanning trees.
Graph Traversal
There are two basic types of searches in a graph:
breadth-first search (BFS)
and depth-first search (DFS).
Both of them produce a spanning tree/forest on
undirected graphs.
One important notion for solving problems involving graphs is that of
connected components.
Connected components can be computed using depth-first or
breadth-first search. It might be necessary to keep track of
additional information, such as the number of vertices in the subtrees of the
BFS or DFS trees.
Sometimes one has to keep track of this information as a graph
is dynamically generated, e.g., in the
union-find algorithm.
Shortest Paths
Often, a graph is weighted, with each edge having a real number (often
positive) as some sort of cost associated with it. The classic example is of
a network of roads joining cities, with the weight of each edge being the
length of the corresponding road. A natural problem is to find a
shortest path
between two vertices on the graph. There are a number of algorithms for
finding shortest paths. Three important ones are
Dijkstra's algorithm, Bellman-Ford, and Floyd-Warshall.
Dijkstra and Bellman-Ford
Dijkstra's algorithm
finds, for a given source vertex, the length of a shortest path from it to
each other vertex in the graph, provided that all edge weights are nonnegative.The
Wikipedia page for Dijkstra's Algorithm
explains the basic algorithm. A naive implementation of Dijkstra's Algorithm runs in O(|V|2) time,
where |V| is the number of vertices. More sophisticated implementations
(using a priority queue) give a runtime of O(|E|log|V|) or even O(|E|+|V|log|V|),
(here, |E| is the number of edges) which is significantly better if the graph is
sparse (has far fewer than |V|^2 edges). Note that Dijkstra's
algorithm can fail if the graph has edges with negative weights. In that case,
a different algorithm, such as
can be used.
We recommend memorizing dijkstra (you will need to for the placement test).
For Bellman-Ford, an implementation can be found
The Floyd-Warshall algorithm finds out more information: shortest paths
between every pair of nodes in the graph. Of course, this is at the cost of
running time -- the Floyd-Warshall algorithm runs in O(|V|^3) time. The
Wikipedia article for Floyd-Warshall
has more information.
The 3-line Floyd-Warshall algorithm should be memorized and used in place of dijkstra
when input is small (at most 500 or so). To recover paths in Floyd-Warshall, the
code is more complicated, but can be found
Two observations.
One often-useful special case is when all the edge weights are equal to 1.
In this case, there is an even easier and faster algorithm -- breadth-first
search, which runs in linear time! Just keep track of how far you are from
your starting vertex when you first reach each vertex.
Another important observation is the following: the simplest versions of
these algorithms only find the length of a shortest path.
If you want an actual shortest path and not just its length, you
need to keep track of enough information to allow you to extract it!
Fortunately, this is not difficult to do and doesn't significantly increase
the running time of the algorithms.
Minimum Spanning Trees
Another important notion is that of a
minimum spanning tree.
If a graph is connected, there is guaranteed to be at least one tree which
is a subgraph of the original graph and contains every vertex; this is a
spanning tree. In a weighted graph, a minimum spanning tree is a spanning
tree with the minimum possible (over all spanning trees) sum of edge weights.
Prim's algorithm
builds a minimum spanning tree by starting with an arbitrary vertex,
and grows a tree by greedily connecting new vertices to the existing subtree.
The resulting code is very similar to the one for Dijkstra's
algorithm iterates over the edges from smallest to largest weight, and
includes an edge unless it creates a cycle. The subgraph may only become
connected at the very end. On order to implement Kruskal efficiently, one
uses an efficient union-find data structure to keep track of the connected
components of the subgraph constructed thus far.
Both Prim and Kruskal run in the same time complexity - O(|E| log |V|), so one
should be memorized and used. The greedy nature of constructing a MST is
another notion that should be recognized, as it may help in problem variants.
Searching State Spaces
Imagine you are playing a game. At any point the game has some state, and some
moves you could follow to go to one of a number of different states.
You need to know whether, or how fast, you can get from a given start state to a given end state.
How do you figure this out?
In general this is a difficult problem, and unless your game has some very nice properties
that allow you to greatly simplify it, there is not much else you can do besides "brute force".
The (intelligent) implementation of such a brute force tactic often takes the form of a
breadth-first search on the space of states of the game.
You can imagine the states of the game being the vertices of a graph, with directed
edges correponding to moves that take you from one state space to another. Often
this graph will be very large -- so large that computing all the vertices and edges
in the graph is prohibitively expensive -- but you are still interested in trying
to find paths through the graph. The general approach is to search, breadth-first,
along the edges of the graph, finding edges dynamically by computing how applying
each move would change the current state. Since it is often too difficult to keep all
possible states in memory, instead one can store encodings of all the previously-visited
states in a self-balancing tree in order to relatively quickly check whether a state has
been visited before, so as to avoid wasting time repeating already-completed searching.