Computer Sciences Dept.

International Collegiate Programming Contest

2014 Regionals

This session focuses on last year's regional problem set.

Problem Set (#1)

  1. Server
  2. Restaurant Ratings
  3. Locked Treasure
  4. Aquarium Tank

To see if your implemented solution is correct, please submit your source code via the "submit" link in the problem description on ACM-ICPC Live Archive. If you do not already have an account, you will have to register.

Note: All problems expect I/O to be done using standard input and standard output. The solution to problems must be written in a single file. If you are programming in Java the application class should be called "Main" and should be in the default package.


The complete judge solutions and judging data for last year's regional are available at the following location: ncna-region.unl.edu. Click the link "2014 Package" near the top.

Additionally, the library code for last year's World Final's team is available at: https://github.com/atmorgan/ICPC2014.

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