Graph Basics
Graph Representations
Adjacency Matrix
- If we have a graph with n vertices. We can represent this graph with a matrix Mn×n, where [M]i,j=1 if there is a edge from vi to vj
- [Mn]i,j= number of path from vi to vj with length n
- If we replace the addition and multiplication with
and and
, we can find the reachibility.
- If we replace the addition and multiplication with
and addition
, this is Floyd
Adjacency List
- We can use an array to store the neighbor for each vertex.
Space |
Add/Delete |
Lookup |
Adj. Mat. |
O(|V^2|) |
O(|V|) |
O(1) |
Adj. List |
O(|E|) |
O(|N_v|) |
O(|N_v|) |
N_v: neighbor of v
Basic Search Algorithms
- Underlying data structure: queue
- Key property: visit the nodes in the order of depth from the starting node
- Applications: Shortest Path on Unweighted Graph
- Number of the connected components is the same as the number of time we call the DFS function.
- Applications: Bipartite Graph Checking, Cycle finding, Connected Component.
Shortest Path Problem
- Dijkstra
- single-source shortest path algorithm for weighted graph
- Time complexity: O(ElogV)
- Underlying data structure: priority-queue
- Floyd
- multi-source shortest path algorithm
- Dynamic programming
- Use matrix representation for graph
- Time complexity: O(V3)
- Example: classroom and pen (???)
- Bellmen-Ford
Used for graph with negative weight