UWM ICPC Team ’18 Fall Individual Placement Test
Updated on 9/30/2018 1am CDT
The ’18 Fall ICPC Team Individual Placement Test is going to be held at CS 1350 this Sunday 9/30, 12pm - 5pm. The physical attendance of the placement test is required if you want to compete this year as part of an official team, and will be the biggest factor for team composition. Please fill out this sign-up form by Saturday 9/29 in order to attend the placement test. The official teams will be formed within few days after the test.
About the test
- 10 problems, 5 hours
To mimic actual duration and load.
- Intermediate to advanced difficulty (equivalently 4th to 8th easiest in regionals)
To access your ability to solve not-so-easy problems.
- Wide topic coverage
To identify your strong areas.
- On Kattis
Which should be the actual regional judge.
templates allowed.
Or you can use this one (in C++).
Sorry we decided to not allow template this time.
- Personal computers allowed
To save some hassle of unfamiliar IDE / coding enviroment for you this time.
- Programming languages: C/C++, Java and Python.
Although Kattis supports more, please use officially supported languages for this test (and in future trainings).
Tip: You are not expected to solve all or many of the problems, but try to read them all and solve the ones in the areas you are good at, i.e. show your strength.
Tip: (Python users) Although Kattis supports Python, not all problems are tested with Python solutions. Be preapred to get Time Limit Exceeded (TLE) for problems with heavy I/O or complicated data structures.
Before the test
- Make you have a Kattis account and signed up for this test.
- Arrive a bit early at the day to avoid any time wasted after test start.
- Don’t come with stomach empty. 5 hours of competitive programming can be pretty exhausting.
During the test
- You may look up programming language references.
- Looking up anything else online will be regarded as cheating and disqualify you immediately.
After the test
- There will be food.
- Talk to others to form tentative teams.
- Contact us or we will contact you to finalize official teams within next few days.
Good luck!