UW-Madison ICPC Individual Placement Test
Fall 2019

The test going to be held in CS 1350 on Saturday 9/28, 1pm - 6pm. Physical attendance is required in order to compete as part of an official team, and will an big factor in the team composition. Please fill out the on-line registration form by Wednesday 9/25 in order to take the placement test. The official teams will be formed the day after the test.

About the test

Tip: You are not expected to solve all or many of the problems. Try to solve the ones in the areas you are good at, i.e., show your strength.

Tip: (Python users) Although Kattis supports Python, not all problems are tested with Python solutions. Be preapred to get Time Limit Exceeded (TLE) for problems with heavy I/O or complicated data structures.

Before the test

During the test

After the test

Good luck!