Secondary Crash Identification Using Linear Referencing System

Authors: Dongxi Zheng, Madhav Chitturri, Andrea Bill, and David Noyce


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Secondary crashes are a major type of highway incidents. In recent researches, a secondary crash is commonly recognized as a crash occurred within a highway traffic queue caused by a previous roadway incident (1-4). [show some stats to proof secondary crashes as a major crash type]

Secondary crash rate is a good but expensive indicator to the performance of traffic incident management. Studies have shown that shorter incident clearance time resulted in lower risk of secondary crashes (5-8). However, secondary crash rates are hard to measure because of the difficulty in identifying secondary crashes. The main idea of secondary crash identification is to measure the spatial-temporal distances between any two incidents, so when two incidents were closer than certain thresholds (static or dynamic), the later incident might be a secondary crash. Among the literatures, different methods have been proposed focusing on improving the accuracy of secondary crash identification by choosing more appropriate spatial-temporal thresholds (1-5, 9, 10). Commenly used data sources for such purposes were police incident reports, in-database crash records, highway detector data, video records, etc. As a results, the cost and the effectiveness of these methods heavily rely on the desired data quantify and the actual data quality, respectively. More unfortunately, when the study scope expends (e.g., from a major arterial to an arterial network), the complexity and the data demand of these methods can explode exponentially. This paper shows a relatively fundamental improvement to the effeciency of secondary crash identification, allowing different previous methods to be built upon and reserve their advantages on accurary.

The essential idea is to utilize a linear referencing system to speed up the calculation of spatial distances. [Explain what a general linear referencing system is and what is the case in seconday crash identification]. Based on the linear referencing system, a spatial search algorithm is proposed to significantly reduces the total amount of calculation needed for a large network with many crash points. A program is implemented according to the algorithm. Previous static-threshold methods can be readily run on the program to get desired output. For dynamic-threshold methods, only several simple extra steps are needed before and after running the program.

The following of this paper is organized in five sections. ...

Literature Review

[Briefly summarize what topics are reviewed in this section]

Previous secondary identification methods

[Focus on each method's spatial scope, data sources, and threshold selection]

Linear referencing system and its use in transportation management

[Basic concepts of linear referencing system] [previous implementation of linear referencing system in the transportation field]

Spatial search algorithms

[Linear referencing system based spatial search algorithm, e.g., Dijkstra's shortest route]


[rephrase of the algorithm]

[how dynamic threshold can be inplanted]

Data Collection

[WisTransPortal data retrieval]

Results and Analyses

Verification results

[Madhav's test case]

[error correction?]

Large network performance measure

[In compare with ArcGIS?]

Conclusion and Recommendations


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