CS 731: Advanced methods in artificial intelligence, with biomedical applications (Fall 2009)


  • Instructor: David Page
    Office: 6743 Medical Sciences Center (corner of Charter and University)
    Office Hours: Noon-1 Mondays and 2-3 Fridays
    Office Phone: 265-6168

  • TA: Yancan Huang
    Office: 3351 CS
    Office Hours: 10am-Noon Wednesdays
    Office Phone: 890-0033

  • News: Exam is scheduled for Fri, Dec 4, 2:30-4:30, in our regular room.

  • News: Projects are due by email (PDF format, please), by 11:59pm on Thurs, Dec 17. Please use "731 Project" as subject. If you write code, please deposit that in the Handin directory labeled Project.

  • Prerequisite: CS 540 or equivalent

  • Meeting Time and Location: 2:30-3:45 MWF, 1257 Computer Sciences
    Note: We reserve Fridays for make-up classes, reviews and exam. If we meet on Friday, I will always announce it 2 weeks in advance.

  • Textbooks (Both Required):
  • Archive of class e-mail

Course Overview

Many advances in artificial intelligence build on mathematical logic (hence the picture of Gottlob Frege at the left), probability and statistics (particularly Bayesian statistics -- hence the picture of Rev. Thomas Bayes at the right), and combinatorics. This course will cover many of the most important recent advances and will illustrate their use with biomedical applications. The course does not assume knowledge of medicine (nor of biology or chemistry beyond the general familiarity possessed by a graduate student in sciences or engineering). It does assume a knowledge of data structures, algorithms, and search paradigms, as can be obtained for example by successfully completing a Data Structures course and an Introduction to AI course.

Course Outline