SCons Users Guidei Recommended Readings
This list looks like it's a lot, but if you drop 7.2 and chapter 16, the
average length of each linked section is probably about 1/3 the length of
this list. So it's not as bad as all that.
More important topics
- 2.1,
These sections show some extremely simple targets. (3.5 is less
important because it's probably pretty clear what's going on anyway,
but we use this shortcut all over the place, so I'll stick it in
- 2.4.
This shows that SCons "infers" something like a clean target
automatically, based on what targets you provide, when you
run scons -c. (It is also possible
to specify
additional files to be cleaned
and instruct
SCons to not remove a file. Good to know these exist but
those sections aren't "required reading".)
- 4.2,
These two sections show you how to link against libraries. The first
shows you how to tell SCons to pass -l to the linker and the
second shows you how to tell SCons to pass -L flags. (In
both cases, using these mechanisms rather than putting -lfoo
in the LINKFLAGS variable directly is better. First, it it
abstracts away platform-specific information (e.g. -Lfoo/bar
or /LIBPATH:foo/bar?). Second, it allows SCons to track
whether the library that's being linked in changed, so you don't have
to say "pass -lfoo when linking, and also this target
depends on". Less important for system libraries, but is very
nice if you are building a library then linking against it in one
- 5.1.
If you have one target that produces a file that is then used as an
input in a later build step, you can just use the same name
for both. This is cleaner, for a couple reasons. We use this all over
the place in both builds.
- Chapter
7's intro, for the definition of the three kinds of
environments. However, you should ignore the last two paragraphs;
that bit about SCons doesn't passing environment variables from
SCons's parent shell to the programs it runs doesn't apply to either
of our builds. (SCons's goal of builds that are more easily
reproduced because they don't need the user's environment set just-so
is admirable, but it introduces a whole host of other problems in
some environments. Especially for the regression scripts, it's way
more reasonable to just import it, so we do.)
- 7.2.
This is a long one, but it's the first of two really key parts. Only
the most trivial builds can reasonably be done without explicit
construction environments. In particular, you should read:
- The section introduction for, well, an introduction
- 7.2.1, 7.2.2 for the basics
- 7.2.6, 7.2.7. Talks about copying construction environments. In
the regression scripts, we make a copy of the main construction
environment each time we call an SConscript in a test
directory. (That last bit may not make sense until you read
the next recommended chapter.)
- 7.2.10. Sort of a convenience method that we use in the McVeto
- 12.3.2.
This discusses how to tell SCons what targets to build when the user
doesn't explicitly specify any on the command line. By default, SCons
builds all of them. (This is in contrast to make, which builds only
the first.)
- Chapter
16, the whole thing. (You'll have to follow the links there to
the subsequent sections.) Another longer one, but it's the other key
item in this list. It discusses how to do builds that span
directories. (It's like either recursive make or
make %include directives, except... better.) The one
exception is that we don't use absolute paths as discussed in 16.4,
not that it's exactly a complex topic.
- Chapter
20 (there's only one section). SCons provides "builders" for a
lot of common tasks that save you from specifying some boilerplate
command lines; probably all the build scripts you've seen so far use
these. (This is somewhat similar in concept to
make's built-in
implicit rules, except that which rule you use is determined by
which builder function you call rather than by file extension and
they don't automatically apply to any file of the appropriate name.)
If you want to run a command that there's no pre-build builder for,
you can use the command builder to specify an actual command to
run. You can also pass a Python function to call as the command, or
even a list of things to do (any mix of command strings and Python
- 23.1 and
describe the Repository function, which is pretty central to
the way that the McVeto build operates. Unfortunately, through a
combination of us probably not using the feature exactly as intended,
the docs not being super clear, and the name Repository not
being particularly clear, this will probably just serve to confuse
you more. Instead, you should read section 4.3.1
of this
description of make's VPATH variable. Now go read
those two sections about Repository with the mindset that we
are using it like VPATH. (Note: it's possible that the
post-reorg changes will allow us to remove our use
of Repository.)
Less important topics
After going through this list you'll have sufficient background to
understand almost anything we're doing that has to do with SCons. (There's
a lot of raw Python in there too for parsing assembly listings, getting
keywords, and a bunch of other stuff like that. There are also a couple
things from SCons that we use that won't have been covered.)
- Chapter
6 intro through the end of 6.1.1. This doesn't discuss anything
that has to do with our scripts really, but explains behavior. In
particular, it talks about the fact that SCons uses MD5 sums of files
instead of timestamps to determine whether a target is out of date or
not. In practice I rather like this better, but if you're used to
make and being able to just touch a file to get it to
rebuild everything that depends on it, this explains why that won't
- 6.3.
One of the big benefits that you get with SCons over make is
automatic and implicit tracking of #include files. (No
more make depends in other words, with all the problems
those solutions bring.) This section explains that, and explains how
you can tell SCons where it can find the files that are included (so
it can both determine whether the headers have changed as well as
scan the headers for transitive dependencies itself).
- 6.5.
Occasionally, you have to tell SCons that one target depends on
another target or a file if it doesn't have a way of knowing that
itself. The Depends function does this.
- 6.9.
The AlwaysBuild function allows you to make pseudo-targets;
that is, targets that don't actually produce any files as
output. (It's very much like make's .PSEUDO pseudo-target.)
The name is slightly misleading; these targets aren't always
built, just whenever they appear on the dependency path to whatever
the user wanted. A more accurate description is to say that it tells
SCons to always consider the given target out of date.
- 7.3.1.
Discusses how to make sure that SCons's parent shell's environment
makes its way to the processes SCons spawns to do the actual
work. (In particular, we do the second thing in that section.)
- 12.2
through the end of 12.2.2. This explains how SCons lets you introduce
command line options, like keyword=cav10
or arch=ppc32. (Note however that the options that
eventually are passed to McVeto itself, e.g. dash_break or
dash_ubt, are wrapped in an extra layer of abstraction
because they are used multiple times.)
- 12.1.5.
This is an alternative command line option mechanism. It's used
instead of the previous one in the McVeto build script.
- 14's intro and 14.1,
These show you how you can do file system operatons (copy, delete,
move, mkdir, respectively) in a system-independent way. Simple stuff,
but we use them in the regression scripts and there's at least one
somewhat unintutive interface characteristic.
- Chapter
19's intro and
19.1, 19.2,
These describe how to write your own builders. Remember how you could
use the Command builder to actually execute a shell command
if none of the built-in builders worked? If you're going to be
executing that command a lot (i.e. from several static places in the
code) then you should consider wrapping it in a builder. This shows you how.
- Chapter
21 (just one section). This describes how to create
"pseudo-builders", which are environment functions that "look like"
builders but technically aren't. In the regression scripts, we create
several of these, including the
all-important AllMcdashTargets function that you call from
the test-specific SConscript files.
- Chapter
26 (just one section). This describes alias targets, which let
you give a friendly name to, one or more target. (Something like the
"all" or "doc" targets from make would be translated to an alias in
scons.) We use them in the regressions to create a few names for user
consumption, including the typical "listings" and "report" targets.