Project 3: Memory Management
Important Dates
Questions about the project? First, check to see that your
question has not already been answered in the
FAQ. If you have a
new question, send it to .
Due: Wednesday 10/28 by 9:00 pm
There is only a single part to this project:
- The Null Pointer and Other Tricks: to be done in our xv6
hacking environment. Before you begin, we highly recommend that
you watch two videos from a previous discussion section. The first
video will be relevant
starting at minute 28:45. The second
video starts
out relevant, but there is a Question and Answer section starting at time 31:10
which isn't incredibly useful for this project and you may want to skip.
This project can be done with a single partner. Copying code (from
other groups) is considered cheating. Read this for
more info on what is OK and what is not!
Handing It In
The handin directory is ~cs537-1/handin/SECTION/login/p3 where
login is your login and SECTION is your unofficial
section (e.g, 301).
Copy all of your source files (but not .o
files, please, or binaries!) into the xv6/ subdirectory of your p3
directory. A simple way to do this is to copy everything into the destination
directory directory, then type make to make sure it builds, and then
type make clean to remove unneeded files.
Into your p3 directory, please make a README file. In there,
describe what you did a little bit. The most important bit, at the top,
however, should be the authorship of the project, particularly if you had a
partner. Include both partner's names and CS logins to receive credit; please
put the README in BOTH partners' directories; put the code in just
one. Do not put any code in the other person's handin directory!
You are required to submit a number of user programs that you can
use for showing that your kernel handles a number of interesting
cases correctly. You should place these files in
the user directory of your xv6 source code and you
should modify
to include these new user programs. When we test your project, we
will tests that are very similar to these.
- null.c : This short user program should simply
dereference a null pointer; the expected behavior is that this
program should segfault.
- null-syscall.c : pass a null pointer to a system call (of
your choice); this bad argument should not cause a segfault in
- badaddress-syscall.c : pass an invalid address (i.e., an
address that is between the stack and heap in your address space) to
a syscall; this invalid address should be caught without a segfault
in kernel.
- small-stack.c : call a function that allocates only a small
number of variables on the stack (less than 1 page worth). You
should ensure that the function can use (write-read) variables
allocated on the stack; also examine the address of stack-allocated
variable and make sure that address looks "reasonable".
- stack-growth.c : call a nested-series of functions (e.g.,
call A() which calls B() which calls C() and so forth...); each
function should have less than 1 page of local variables, but the
sum of all the local variables should be much greater than 1 page.
You should ensure that the functions can use variables allocated on
stack and examine the addresses of stack-allocated variable to make
sure they look "reasonable".
- fault.c : access an invalid address (that is not part of
stack or heap); this should cause a segfault.
- malloc.c : allocate a bunch of memory on the heap using
multiple calls to malloc() and ensure that the process can access it.
- overcommit-stack.c and overcommit-heap.c: keep growing the stack and heap until the virtual
address space is overcommitted (i.e., the stack and heap meet in the
middle; it is fine if you keep a single unallocated page as a buffer between the stack
and heap or if you do not, as long as the two cannot share a
page). A failure of some type should occur once memory is
overcommitted. For overcommit-stack.c, a request to grow the stack
should fail; for overcommit-heap.c, a request to grow the heap
should fail.