Current Class (Fall 2021) CS 402
Past Classes CS402: Introducing Computer Science to K-12 Students (Sp 2018) CS736: Advanced Operating Systems (Fall 2018) CS402: Introducing Computer Science to K-12 Students (Spring 2016) CS537: Operating Systems (Fall 2015) CS402: Introducing Computer Science to K-12 Students (Fall 2012-Spring 2014) CS736: Graduate Operating Systems CS202 Honors: Introduction to Computation (Fall 2012) Bio375 (now CS402): Introducing Computer Science to K-12 Students (Spring 2010-2011) CS202: Introduction to Computation (Fall 2011) CS202: Introduction to Computation (Fall 2010) CS202: Introduction to Computation (Fall 2009) CS739: Distributed Systems (Spring 2009) CS739: Distributed Systems (Spring 2008) CS537: Operating Systems (Fall 2007) CS739: Distributed Systems (Spring 2006) CS537: Operating Systems (Fall 2005) CS739: Distributed Systems (Spring 2005) CS736: Graduate Operating Systems (Spring 2002) CS838: Gray-box Systems (Fall 2002)