CS/ECE/Math 435, Introduction to Cryptography - Fall 2015
Dongning Wang
Office Hours: Tuesday 10:50-11:50am or by appointment
We are moving everything to Piazza. The course page will not be updated.
Eric Bach's course notes.
Course objectives
Familiarity with the major algorithms of historical and
modern cryptography as documented in open literature;
knowledge of issues involved in choice of algorithm and
key size; ability to analyze performance of various cryptographic and cryptanalytic algorithms
Topics covered
Classical cryptography: substitution ciphers, polyalphabetic
methods, etc.
Introduction to cryptanalysis: frequency counts, coincidence
index, Shannon's theory
Block ciphers (DES, IDEA, AES, etc.)
Public-key cryptography (modular arithmetic, systems based
on factoring and discrete logarithms)
Cryptographic protocols (key exchange methods, digital
signatures, secret sharing, authentication)
Homework Assignments
Homework will be set every Thursday and due the following Thursday before class. You are encouraged to discuss
the exercises with your classmates but the work you hand in should be your own.