Computer Sciences Dept.

CS 540 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Section 1
Fall 2019

CS 540 Schedule

19/5IntroductionChapters 1 and 2
29/10Uninformed search3.1 - 3.4
39/17Informed (heuristic) search3.5, 3.6
49/24No Class 9/26. Local search: Hill-climbing, simulated annealing4.1
510/1Game playing, unsupervised machine learning5.1 - 5.3, 5.5, 18.1, ML introduction
610/8Supervised machine learning, k-nearest-neighbors18.2, 18.8.1
710/15Decision trees, genetic algorithms, constraint satisfaction18.3, 18.4, 4.1.4, 6.1 - 6.4
810/22Midterm exam October 24, 7:15 - 9:15 p.m.
910/29Neural networks18.6.3, 18.6.4, 18.7
1011/5Deep learning, Support Vector MachinesDeep learning paper, 18.9, SVM paper
1111/12Probabilistic reasoning: Uncertainty13
1211/19Probabilistic reasoning: Bayesian networks14.1, 14.2, 14.4, Bayesian Network paper
1311/26No Class 11/28. Speech recognition15.1 - 15.3, 23.5, HMM tutorial
1412/3Computer vision18.10

CS 540 | Department of Computer Sciences | University of Wisconsin - Madison