CS 740 Advanced Computer Networks, Fall 2006

General Information

Instructor: Cristian Estan
Office hours: Tuesday 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM, Wednesday 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM CSS 7387
Class time: Tuesday and Thursday 9:30AM-10:45AM, in 119 Noland
Important links: reading list based on last year's reading list and the networking qualifying exam's reading list, syllabus.


This course will give you a broad view of the current state of computer networking research. Through papers assigned for each class we will cover the following topics: Internet design and architecture, network security, quality of service, congestion control, mobile and wireless networking, peer to peer networks, network algorithmics, and network measurement. The class will also have a project component. You will work in teams of two to produce a small research paper.


ExamsThere will be two in-class midterms and a final, and the best two of these three exams will count for 20% each. There will be a test-midterm on the 12th of September, but it will not contribute to the final grade.
ProjectThe project will count for 40%. You will work in teams of two. I will discuss a few possible project topics in class, but you are encouraged to define your own ideas. There are four deliverables for the project. By the first class in October you should hand in a problem statement that clearly defines the research question, describes the relevant background and related work, and outlines how you plan to proceed. By the second class in November you should hand in a progress report and schedule a meeting to discuss the status of your project. By the third class in December you should hand in your report written in the style of a research paper. Make it coherent, well-structured and grammatically correct. Last week of classes, each group will give a 20 minute in-class presentation of their project.
SummariesPaper summaries will count for 10%. For each class with assigned reading, you will have to put together a summary of 250-500 words describing the problem addressed by the paper, the solution proposed, and its advantages and drawbacks. Submit the summaries by email the day before class. On days with more than one papers assigned, you should read them all, but send in a summary just for the first one.
Class participationClass participation will count for 10%.


DatePaper(s) coveredOther notes
Tue, Sep 5 Introduction 
Thu, Sep 7 [Baran64],[CK74] 
Tue, Sep 12 ---Sample midterm
Thu, Sep 14 --- 
Tue, Sep 19 [SRC84],[Cla88] 
Thu, Sep 21 [CWSB02],[Pax99] 
Tue, Sep 26 [SPW02],[CGAFBMS06] 
Thu, Sep 28 [SEVS04],[ZP00] 
Tue, Oct 3 [HPK01],[PN98] 
Thu, Oct 5 ---Midterm 1
Tue, Oct 10 [DKS90] 
Thu, Oct 12 [SV95],[SSZ98] 
Tue, Oct 17 [ZDESZ93],[BBCDWW98] 
Thu, Oct 19 [JK88],[BOP94] 
Tue, Oct 24 [FJ93],[KHR02] 
Thu, Oct 26 [SB00],[Per98] 
Tue, Oct 31 [BPSK97] 
Thu, Nov 2 [BDSZ94],[CBC+04] 
Tue, Nov 7 [SMK+01],[CRB+03] 
Thu, Nov 9 ---Midterm 2
Tue, Nov 14 [ABKM01],[APM+04]Project milestone 2
Thu, Nov 16 [ABKM01],[APM+04] 
Tue, Nov 21 [BLM02],[LMSS01] 
Tue, Nov 28 [FCAB98],[Bloo70] 
Thu, Nov 30 [BC00] 
Tue, Dec 5 [Pax99] 
Thu, Dec 7 [SGG02] 
Tue, Dec 12 ---Midterm 3
Thu, Dec 14 ---In-class project presentations