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Graduation, UW Biotechnology Center, May 2021

RoheLab, Front of Statistics Department, March 2020

We threw Ye a surprise party, and it was a big success, Oct 2019.

Statistics family, Penn Park, Mid-Autumn Festival 2019

Statistics family, Burrows Park, Mid-Autumn Festival 2018

Congratulations to Rene's and Kailei's graduation, August, 2018
(Left) Ye, Pixu, Daniel, Chenyang, Nadya, Rene,
Cony, Kailei, Sunduz, Peng, Fan (right)

The Pioneer Courthouse, Portland, Summer 2018

Karl's Group, Spring '18
(Left) Emma, Yilin, Muzhe, Fan, Yini, Karl (right)

Hands-on alligator, Everglades National Park, Florida '18
UW-Madison Statistics Family, Burrows Park, Mid-Autumn Festival 2017
Young statisticians, Burrows Park, Mid-Autumn Festival 2017

Group meeting, summer 2017
(Left) Karl, Fan, Yilin, Yulin, Muzhe, Song (right)

Capital Madison at dusk, July 2017

Pixu's baby shower, BioTech, May 2017
(Left) Rene, Ye, Sunyoung, Cony, Anru (new Dad),
Pixu (new Mom),
Sunduz, Yury, Duy, Fan, Kylie (right)

Statistics Family, UW-Madison, Mid-Autumn Festival 2016

Lake Mendota, Daytime vs. Dust

UW-Madison Campus, Summer 2016

ZJUers @ CSST 2015
(Left) Yuqing, Lifeng, Ziming, Liujia, Yandi, Fan, Kuan,
Shun, Yingzhu, Rita, Yubin, Xin, Peng (right), Zhe (bottom)

Thapae Gate, Thailand, 2016
Jun. I will join Google (in NYC) as a Data Scientist.
May. I successfully defended my dissertation!
-- Spectral methods for social media data analysis.
Aug. I gave a talk at Google's Statistics Journal Club.
-- Finding the sparse signals/components in data. [slides]
Aug. I gave a talk (contributed paper) at JSM 2020.
-- "SURF: Integrate analysis of RNA-seq and CLIP-seq data." [video]
Jun. Hooray! I passed my preliminary exam---one step closer to PhD. [slides]
May. New paper accepted at Genome Biology.
-- Chen, Fan, et al. "SURF: integrative analysis of a compendium of RNA-seq and CLIP-seq datasets highlights complex governing of alternative transcriptional regulation by RNA-binding proteins."
Feb. Another working manuscript of mine has been selected for the 2020 ASA Section on Statistics in Genomics and Genetics (SGG) Distinguished Student Paper Award! [annocement]
Jan. A working manuscript has been selected to receive an Honorable Mention in the Statistical Learning and Data Science Student Paper Award competition.
-- "A new basis for sparse PCA."
Dec. I earned my M.S. degree in Computer Sciences. This is a milestone.
Oct. New paper accepted at Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Statistical Methodology)!
-- Chen, Fan, et al. "Targeted sampling from massive block model graphs with personalized PageRank."
May. Great Lakes Bioinformatics (GLBIO 2019) - International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB).
-- "Integrate RNA-seq and eCLIP-seq with SURF for mining regulation functions of RNA binding proteins." [slides]
Mar. New paper accepted at Nature Methods!
-- Preston, Melanie A., et al. "Unbiased screen of RNA tailing activities reveals a poly(UG) polymerase." [paper]
Jul. Summer School on Fundamentals of Data Analysis (TRIPODS 2018), Madison, USA.
Jul. I will attend the 2018 SIAM Annal Meeting (AN18) MS125 and the Workshop on Network Science (NS18), Portland, USA.
-- Chen, F., Zhang, Y., Rohe, K. (2018). Personalized PageRank, local clustering, and the Stochastic Blockmodel. [slides] [poster]
May. Hangzhou International Conference on Frontiers of Data Science (website), Hangzhou, China.
Jan. I joined Rohe Lab and continued working on community detection.
Sep. I passed the PhD Qualifying Exam!
Jul. I will attend the Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics (SISG) at the University of Washington, Seattle. Three modules are hosted by Timothy Thornton, Kari North, and Ali Shojaie.
Sep. I become a research assistant in Keles' research group. My work will involve modeling RNA binding proteins (RBPs) and related High-Throughput sequencing data analysis.
Jun. My dissertation, advised by Prof. Liu, is awarded as the Best Diss. of the year.
-- Chen, F. (2016). Mathematical modelling on battery systems. (in Chinese) [thesis]
Mar. In the coming five months, I will be a business intelligence intern at Didi, Hangzhou.
Nov. Our project, part of the Student Research Training Program (SRTP), was awarded the First class, Hangzhou, China.
-- Chen, F., Li, X. (2015). The influence factors in complex reply networks. [slides]
Jul. I am in the UCLA Cross-disciplinary Scholars in Science and Technology (CSST) program, Los Angeles. I will work on community detection with Professor Arash Amini in the coming months.
-- Chen, F., Amini, A. (2015). Variational EM approaches for Stochastic Block Model with covariates. [poster]
Feb. Our team is awarded Outstanding Winner in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM).
Sep. I set up a team named BINGO, of ZJU, to participate in the Contemporary Undergrad Mathematical Contest in Modeling (CUMCM), China. We win the First Prize!
Aug. I will be a voluntary teacher of Math in Yongpin No.2 high school, Dali, Yunnan Province. We are affiliated with West Region Attached Association (WRAA).
Sep. I am honored to join the Shing-Tung Yau Elite Program of Mathematics, affiliated with Center of Mathematical Sciences (CMS), Zhejiang University.
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