There are a lot of Classics courses here because I decided to double major. I was awfully close to choosing Anthropology and Classics as opposed to CS and Classics. Oh the things that might have been.
MCS-120 Pre-Calculus
MCS-121 Calculus I
MCS-122 Calculus II
PSY-100 General Psychology
FTS-100 First Term Seminar
LAT-111 Latin I
MCS-177 Computer Science I
POL-130 International Relations
S/A-111 Cultural Anthropology
E/M-101 Principles of Macroeconomics
LAT-112 Latin II
MCS-178 Computer Science II
S/A-259 Anthropology of Religion
CLA-136 Roman History & Culture
JPN-101 Japanese I
MCS-236 Graph Theory
MCS-284 Intro to Computer Organization
MCS-273 Intro to C++ Programming
CLA-133 Art & Archeology of Rome
MCS-256 Discrete Calculus
MCS-270 Object-Oriented Software
S/A-112 Principles of Sociology
LAT-201 Reading Latin Literature
MCS-375 Algorithms
MCS-378 Operating Systems
REL-122 Intro to Christian Thought
ART-238 Printmaking
ENG-141 Science Fiction
LAT-202 Vergil’s Aeneid
MCS-265 Theory of Computation
MCS-287 Theory of Programming Languages
GEO-111 Principles of Geology w/Lab
GRE-101 Greek I
HES-100 PF:Conditioning
LAT-301 Livy: Foundation of Rome
MCS-377 Networking
NDL-116 Analyzing Japan
CLA-101 Myth & Meaning
CLA-399 Classics Capstone
LAT-302 Horace & Roman Poets
MCS-388 Compiler Design