50 "CS 367, Spring 2012 Homework 7" "H7" "gradeReport.html" 0 0 handin "Handin problems" 1 1 h1 "Wrong file name! Name should have been 'H7.txt'" 1 1 h2 "Extra files! Please hand in only what is asked." 1 1 h3 "Badly formatted homework file. Please ensure readability before turning in." "Make sure to look at it with tabs set at 4 spaces (as well as 8 spaces)" 0 18 q1 "Question 1" 1 18 q1x0 "Question 1 not answered" 1 5 q1a "Part A" 2 5 q1ax "Part A not answered" 2 2 q1ai "Incorrect - see solution" 1 7 q1b "Part B" 2 7 q1bx "Part B not answered" 2 3 q1bi "Incorrect - see solution" 1 3 q1c "Part C" "Grade based on the student's solution to part B" 2 3 q1cx "Part C not answered" 2 2 q1ci "Incorrect - see solution" 2 1 q1ct "Small typo" 1 3 q1d "Part D" "Grade based on the student's solution to part B" 2 3 q1dx "Part D not answered" 2 2 q1di "Incorrect - see solution" 2 1 q1dt "Small typo" 0 20 q2 "Question 2" 1 10 q2a "Part A" 2 10 q2ax "Part A not answered" 2 2 q2ared "Incorrect - answer violates the red property" "Red property = the children of a red node are black" 2 2 q2ablack "Incorrect - answer violates the black property" "Black property = for each null child, the # of black nodes on path from root to a null child is the same" 2 2 q2aroot "Incorrect - answer violates the root property" "Root property = the root is black" 2 6 q2asearch "Incorrect - answer violates the search tree property" "-2 per location (up to -6), indicate which nodes in a comment" 2 1 q2atypo "Small typo" 1 10 q2b "Part B" 2 10 q2bx "Part B not answered" 2 2 q2bred "Incorrect - answer violates the red property" "Red property = the children of a red node are black" 2 2 q2bblack "Incorrect - answer violates the black property" "Black property = for each null child, the # of black nodes on path from root to a null child is the same" 2 2 q2broot "Incorrect - answer violates the root property" "Root property = the root is black" 2 6 q2bsearch "Incorrect - answer violates the search tree property" "-2 per location (up to -6), indicate which nodes in a comment" 2 1 q2btypo "Small typo" 0 12 q3 "Question 3" 1 6 q3a "Part A" 2 6 q3ax "Question 1 not answered" 2 4 q3at "Answer given as binary tree, not array" "If both tree and array are given: ignore tree, grade array only, and do not deduct points here." 2 2 q3ao "Array values do not obey heap order property" "Consider this without respect to the correctness of the specific values for this problem, just whether the value property in general is obeyed." 2 2 q3as "Array slots in use do not obey heap shape property" "Leaving slot 0 unused is typical and correct, but using slot 0 can be correct as well." 2 6 q3av "Incorrect value in array" "Deduct 1 point per incorrect value up to a maximum of 6; if the student uses slot 0 for the root but does not show an empty space in the last slot (but the order of values is correct), deduct 1 point." 1 6 q3b "Part B" 2 6 q3bx "Question 2 not answered" 2 2 q3bt "Answer given as binary tree, not array" "If both tree and array are given: ignore tree, grade array only, and do not deduct points here." 2 2 q3bo "Array values do not obey heap order property" "Consider this without respect to the correctness of the specific values for this problem, just whether the value property in general is obeyed." 2 2 q3bs "Array slots in use do not obey heap shape property" 2 6 q3bv "Incorrect value in array" "Deduct 1 point per incorrect value up to a maximum of 6. There should be a total of three empty slots in the array; 1 point should be deducted for each missing empty slot. If student leaves off the empty slot at index 0 but the order of the values is ok, only deduct 1 point for not having slot 0 being empty."