30 "CS 367, Spring 2012 Homework 10" "H10" "gradeReport.html" 0 0 handin "Handin problems" 1 1 h1 "Wrong file name! Name should have been 'H10.txt'" 1 1 h2 "Extra files! Please hand in only what is asked." 1 2 h3 "Badly formatted homework file. Please ensure readability before turning in." 1 2 h4 "Didn't follow appropriate handin procedure" "e.g., email submission to Beck" 0 12 q1 "Question 1" 1 12 q1x "Question 1 not answered" 1 6 q1a "Part A" 2 6 q1ax "Part A not answered" 2 2 q1a1 "Incorrect complexity - should be O(N)" 2 2 q1a2 "No explanation given" 2 2 q1a3 "Incomplete/incorrect explanation" "up to a max of -2; see hw10_notes.txt for guidelines" 2 2 q1a4 "Don't indicate what array results in best-case behavior" 2 1 q1a5 "Incorrectly indicate what array results in best-case behavior" 1 6 q1b "Part B" 2 6 q1bx "Part B not answered" 2 2 q1b1 "Incorrect complexity - should be O(N^2)" 2 2 q1b2 "No explanation given" 2 2 q1b3 "Incomplete/incorrect explanation" "up to a max of -2; see hw10_notes.txt for guidelines" 2 2 q1b4 "Don't indicate what array results in worst-case behavior" 2 1 q1b5 "Incorrectly indicate what array results in worst-case behavior" 0 7 q2 "Question 2" 1 3 q2a "Part A" 2 3 q2a1 "Part A not answered" 2 2 q2a2 "Incorrect choice of easiest sorting algorithm to modify" "If they get this part incorrect, they will still get 1 point for answering which is easiest to modify and they can still get up to 2 other points for incorrect descriptions changes" 1 2 q2b "Part B" 2 2 q2b1 "Did not describe changes needed to modify sorting algorithm" 2 1 q2b2 "Incomplete/incorrect description of changes needed" 1 2 q2c "Part C" 2 2 q2c1 "Did not describe why other algorithm cannot be modified" 2 1 q2c2 "Incomple/incorrect description of why other algorithm cannot be modified" 0 11 q3 "Question 3" "Need to only show successive arrays - don't need to explain" 1 11 q3x "Question 3 not answered" 1 11 q3a "Enacted some other sorting algorithm instead of quicksort" 1 3 q3m "Selected middle (30) element as pivot rather than median of first (80), middle (30), and last (60)" 1 2 q3r "Incorrectly rearranged smallest and largest elements after pivot selection" 1 2 q3q "Incorrectly rearranged pivot and second-to-last elements after pivot selection" "pivot and second-to-last should be swapped - no shifting" 1 6 q3s "Incorrect swaps during partitioning" "Should be three swaps (90/40, 80/50, and 70/40); subtract 2 points per swap error" 1 2 q3p "Incorrect/missing relocation of pivot after swaps are done"