30 "CS 367, Summer 2014 Homework 1" "H1" "gradeReport.html" 0 14 q1 "Question 1" 1 8 q1a "Part A" "ok if they show more than just myList after each line of code" 2 8 q1ax "Part A not answered" 2 2 q1a1a "Line 1 has no trace associated with it" "use this if they have nothing for a trace of the first line" 2 1 q1a1b "Line 1 doesn't show contents of myList after execution" "use this if they just say what temp is but don't indicate what myList is or explain that myList is unchanged" 2 3 q1a2a "Line 2 has no trace associated with it" "use this if they have nothing for a trace of the second line" 2 2 q1a2b "Line 2 doesn't show contents of myList after execution" "use this if they show kind of trace, but don't indicate what myList is" 2 1 q1a2c "Contents of myList after executing line 2 are incorrect" 2 3 q1a3a "Line 3 has no trace associated with it" "use this if they have nothing for a trace of the third line" 2 2 q1a3b "Line 3 doesn't show contents of myList after execution" "use this if they show kind of trace, but don't indicate what myList is" 2 1 q1a3c "Contents of myList after executing line 3 are incorrect" 1 6 q1b "Part B" 2 6 q1bx "Part B not answered" 2 1 q1b1 "Changed method signature" "if they just give the body of the method, assume the method signature is unchanged" 2 2 q1b2 "Method doesn't operate on myList parameter" 2 3 q1b3 "Incorrect" "deduct 1, 2, or 3 points depending on severity" 2 1 q1b4 "Rewritten code more complex than necessary" "use this only if solution includes loops or is more than, say, 10 lines long" 0 16 q3 "Question 2" 1 16 q3x "Question 2 not answered" 1 8 q3p "Used pseudocode rather than Java" 1 5 q3b1 "Method signature modified" 1 3 q3b2 "Method changes the original contents of list1 and/or list2" 1 3 q3b3 "Used the contains() method to determine if a list holds an object" 1 4 q3n "Handling one or both lists null" 2 1 q3n1 "Using list.equals(null) will thrown NullPointerException. Use list == null instead" 2 1 q3n2 "Only handles both lists null. Use || and not &&" 2 4 q3n3 "BadListException not thrown at all" 2 2 q3n4 "BadListException not thrown correctly" 2 2 q3n5 "Checks for null lists must be done before all other processing" 1 2 q3be "Handling both lists empty" "This does not need to be a separate case. Deduct if student solution does not do the correct thing when both lists are empty" 2 2 q3be1 "Did not return anything" 2 2 q3be2 "Returned null instead of an empty list" 1 2 q3e "Handling one list empty" "This does not need to be a separate case (see solution). Deduct if student solution does not handle the situation correctly" 2 1 q3e1 "Did not do the correct thing if list1 is empty but not list2" "e.g., returned list1 and not a copy of list1" 2 1 q3e2 "Did not do the correct thing if list2 is empty but not list1" "e.g., returned list2 and not a copy of list2" 1 8 q3i "Using iterators" 2 8 q3i1 "Did not use any iterators" 2 4 q3i2 "Did not use an iterator for traversing a list (-2 per traversal)" "Use this if they used an iterator at least once but did not always use iterators for traversals. Max of -4" 2 2 q3i3 "Incorrect use of iterator() method" "They should not construct any iterators directly but instead use the ListADT's iterator method" 2 2 q3i4 "Incorrect use of iterator's next() method" 2 2 q3i5 "Incorrect use of iterator's hasNext() method" 1 8 q3u "Constructing new list" "If inner loop is over unionList instead of list1, that's ok" 2 1 q3u1 "Cannot instantiate ListADT interface. Use ArrayList constructor" 2 1 q3u2 "Variable/data structure not initialized before use" 2 1 q3u3 "Variable declaration within loop. Need to declare it outside loop" 2 1 q3u4 "Typo error" "Use for minor typo; make sure to put a comment indicating the error" 2 3 q3u5 "Faulty iteration logic" "(up to -3) for example, did not get a new iterator before inner loop" 2 1 q3u6 "Incorrect use of == rather than .equals()" 2 2 q3u7 "Did not return the list containing the union of list1 and list2"