30 "CS 367, Spring 2012 Homework 9" "H9" "gradeReport.html" 0 0 handin "Handin problems" 1 1 h1 "Wrong file name! Name should have been 'H9.txt'" 1 1 h2 "Extra files! Please hand in only what is asked." 1 1 h3 "Badly formatted homework file. Please ensure readability before turning in." 0 12 q1 "Question 1" "OK to use auxilliary method" 1 12 q1x "Question 1 not answered" 1 8 q1bfs "Modified BFS instead of DFS" 1 9 q1inc1 "Major problems with DFS algorithm" 1 7 q1inc2 "Problems with DFS algorithm" "Use this for problems not listed below. Take off up to 9 points depending on severity of problem and make sure to give a descriptive comment" 1 3 q1cont "Method continues to search after determining a cycle exists" "For example, they loop through all the unvisited successors and OR together the results of the recursive calls" 1 2 q1rev "Method retraces previously visited nodes" 1 4 q1dest "Never check to see if at start node" "either .equals or == is acceptable" 1 3 q1f "Doesn't return false if no cycle exists" 1 1 q1o "Overly complicated code" 1 3 q1access "Accessed Graphnode data members directly instead of calling accessor/mutator methods" "deduct 1 if access directly in 1 place; deduct 2 if access directly in 2 places; deduct 3 if access directly in 3 or more places" 1 3 q1iter "Use an iterator; successors are not stored in an array" "Either an iterator or a for-each loop is acceptable" 0 12 q2 "Question 2" "It is ok if they use a version of Dijkstra's algorithm that puts nodes on the priority queue more than once as long as each node only ends up in the visited list once and each node has the correct distance." 1 12 q2x0 "Question 2 not answered" 1 1 q2R "R's distance incorrect (should be 10)" 1 2 q2H "H's distance incorrect (should be 11)" 1 4 q2P "P's distance incorrect (should be 12)" 1 3 q2A "A's distance incorrect (should be 14)" 1 3 q2V "Visit order incorrect (should be SGRHPA)" 1 1 q2pq "Priority queue ordering incorrect" 0 6 q3 "Question 3" "All possible orderings are listed in the solution; students only need to give two." 1 6 q3x "Question 3 not answered" 1 3 q31 "First ordering is not a topological ordering" 1 3 q32 "Second ordering missing" 1 3 q33 "Second ordering is not a topological ordering" 1 1 q34 "Extra ordering(s) not topological ordering(s)" "If student gives more than 2 orderings and 2 are correct but 1 or more of the others are not, deduct 1 point"