d - discontinue the given f - find the given h - display this help menu i - display information about this customer database s - search for the given q - quit r - remove the given Enter option ( dfhisqr ): f bluesky23 bluesky23:cx26-288-137,gv59-426-358,et42-763-352,hz97-192-156,hn57-530-445,es70-741-309,ep62-262-118,hp49-688-244,hs71-704-277,bs48-271-179,ht89-391-408,ex77-378-187,hz39-671-276 Enter option ( dfhisqr ): f luckydog customer not found Enter option ( dfhisqr ): s cx26-288-137 cx26-288-137:buckybadger2014,bluesky23,r@nd0mn@m3,me@home.net,1luckydog Enter option ( dfhisqr ): s cs367-002-bkk product not found Enter option ( dfhisqr ): i Customers: 8, Products: 30 # of products/customer: most 16, least 3, average 9 # of customers/product: most 5, least 1, average 2 Most popular product: cx26-288-137,et42-763-352 [5] Enter option ( dfhisqr ): r me@home.net customer removed Enter option ( dfhisqr ): i Customers: 7, Products: 30 # of products/customer: most 16, least 3, average 9 # of customers/product: most 5, least 1, average 2 Most popular product: et42-763-352 [5] Enter option ( dfhisqr ): d et42-763-352 product discontinued Enter option ( dfhisqr ): i Customers: 7, Products: 29 # of products/customer: most 15, least 3, average 9 # of customers/product: most 4, least 1, average 2 Most popular product: cx26-288-137,kp19-110-126 [4] Enter option ( dfhisqr ): f me@home.net customer not found Enter option ( dfhisqr ): s et42-763-352 product not found Enter option ( dfhisqr ): q quit