Programming Assignment 1 Grading: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First, create a grading directory (e.g., in your private CS directory) and copy the testOne script to your grading directory. You may need to run the command: chmod a+x testOne to make it executable. For each student: 1) Create a subdirectory for that student within your grading directory, e.g., mkdir Student_Annie 2) Download the student's submission from the Learn@UW Program 1 dropbox into the student subdirectory 3) Go into the subdirectory and unzip the file cd Student_Annie unzip Program*.zip 4) If the student has any classes in addition to and, you will need to rename these by hand. 5) From your grading directory, run the testOne script giving it the name of the student's subdirectory testOne Student_Annie This will do the following: - create subdirectories inside the student's subdirectory JAVA/ - containing appropriately renamed CustomerDatabase and InteraactiveDBTester files from which to run the tests ERR/ - containing the output of diff'ing student results from expected results - compile and run tests, displaying some info about compiling to the console and saving results from running tests to files - the CustomerDatabaseTester is used to test the student's CustomerDatabase class - the student's program is tested using the files below (if the student's InteractiveDBTester doesn't compile, the script tests it with the solution InteractiveDBTester) - the student's InteractiveDBTester is tested with our CustomerDatabase (which can help identify inappropriate interactions between the two) Only input3 is tested here. Test files and user input input1.txt - input file of 5 customers, 5 products, no tie for most popular sf1.txt - tests search and find (as well as i) d1.txt - tests discontinue (followed by s, f, and i) r1.txt - tests remove (followed by s, f, and i) case1.txt - tests case insensitivity with s, f, d, and r input2.txt - input file of 10 customers, 6 products, ties for most popular i2.txt - tests i, removing 5 most popular products followed by i input3.txt - sample input provided to students user3.txt - user input for sample 6) Look through the ERR subdirectory to see how the student's output differs from our input 7) Make sure to look at the student's code as well (for style and documentation, among other reasons). Comments to add to student's gradesheet (as an overall comment): Good job! Note: for each top-level part (like CustomerDatabase class) that a student gets completely correct, make sure to add the comment: Good job! so the student's gradefile contains some feedback for that part Overall Comments: Warning: please try to correct the compiler warnings in the future Warning: you should not throw the errors after catching them in this case Style and documentation: Comments: Good commenting! Good coding style! Warning: file header comments missing some information Warning: missing some class/method header comments Warning: some class/method header comments are not javadoc style Warning: use more comments within methods Warning: use more vertical whitespace Warning: use more horizontal whitespace Warning: some indentation is inconsistent Warning: some lines are longer than 80 characters Warning: place file header comments before import statements Warning: avoid excessive vertical whitespace Warning: make sure to use @return statements in your javadoc Warning: some class/method header comments are missing some information Warning: use the file header format given