100 "CS 367, Fall 2011 Programming Assignment 2" "P2" "gradeReport.html" 0 0 late "Late Days" "See grading notes for instructions" 1 10 late1 "1 day late penalty" 1 20 late2 "2 days late penalty" 1 30 late3 "3 days late penalty" 0 0 handin "Hand In" 1 1 xtra "Extra file(s) such as .class file(s) (in future, send email to Beck to have them removed)" 1 1 readme "README.txt files missing for one or both partners in a pair" 1 5 proc "Didn't follow appropriate handin procedure" "e.g., emailed submission to Beck" 0 53 ile "ImageLoopEditor class" "Deduct all points at this level if class missing" 1 26 ilex1 "Does not compile due to major or many minor errors" 1 10 ilex2 "Does not compile due to minor error(s), which we fixed (-2/error)" 1 3 ilgen1 "Format of output incorrect" "This covers the command prompt and non-image displays like 'no images' or 'image not found'. Take into consideration issues of spelling, capitalization, and spaces of the output. Deduct 1 pt if command prompt is incorrect; deduct 1 pt if non-image displays like 'no images' are incorrect in 3 or fewer locations; deduct 2 pts if non-image displays like 'no images' are incorrect in 4 or more locations." 1 4 ilecla "Command-line arguments" 2 4 ilecla1 "Doesn't use command-line arguments; always does console input" 2 4 ilecla2 "Doesn't use command-line arguments; always does file input" 2 1 ilecla3 "Doesn't give message if more than one command-line argument is given" 2 1 ilecla4 "Doesn't give message if input file does not exist" 2 2 ilecla5 "Name of input file hard-coded" 2 1 ilecla6 "User input not echoed when reading from input file" 1 10 ileval "Validate input" 2 1 ileval1 "Doesn't recognize invalid character command" "Use this for things like 'k' or '$', don't deduct if it allows capitalized versions of valid characters" 2 1 ileval2 "Doesn't allow more than a single space between command and additional info" "For the s, l, a, i, c, j, and u commands there should be one or more spaces between command and rest of command's required info" 2 3 ileval3 "Validation of extra info missing for one or more commands" "For the s, l, a, i, c, j, and u commands deduct if program doesn't recognize missing extra info as invalid. Deduct 1 pt per command up to a max of 3" 2 2 ileval4 "Validation of filename (or part of a filename) not done for one or more commands" "Should be done for the s, l, a, i, and c commands. Deduct 1 pt per command up to a max of 3" 2 2 ileval5 "Validation of filename (or part of a filename) incorrect" "I.e., allows illegal characters" 2 1 ileval6 "Validation of j command incorrect" "For example, doesn't allow 0 or a negative integer or crashes if non-integer is given" 2 1 ileval7 "Validation of u command incorrect" "For example, allows 0 or a negative integer or crashes if non-integer is given" 2 1 ileval8 "Doesn't display 'invalid command'" 1 4 ilecc "Current context" 2 1 ilecc1 "Incorrect if only one image in image loop" 2 1 ilecc2 "Incorrect if two images in image loop" 2 2 ilecc3 "Incorrect if three or more images in image loop" 2 1 ilecc4 "Format of current context incorrect" "E.g., the way the current image is indicated is not correct" 1 1 ilehelp "Operation: ?" "Add comment if missing or incorrect. Don't deduct if the only issue is white space" 1 4 iles "Operation: s filename" 1 4 ilel "Operation: l filename" 1 3 iled "Operation: d" 2 3 iledx "Not implemented" 2 1 iled1 "Doesn't display 'no images' if image loop is empty" 2 2 iled1 "Incorrect" "Deduct 1 or 2 points depending on severity, e.g., doesn't display all the images" 1 2 ilef "Operation: f" 2 4 ilefx "Not implemented" 2 1 ilef1 "Doesn't display 'no images' if image loop is empty" 2 1 ilef2 "Doesn't display current context" 2 1 ilef3 "Incorrect when no N is provided" "Only deduct if incorrect LinkedLoop code is used, not for the underlying correctness of the LinkedLoop" 1 2 ileb "Operation: b" 2 4 ilebx "Not implemented" 2 1 ileb1 "Doesn't display 'no images' if image loop is empty" 2 1 ileb2 "Doesn't display current context" 1 3 ilej "Operation: j N" 2 x ilejx "Not implemented" 2 x ilej1 "Doesn't move forward correctly" "Only deduct if incorrect LinkedLoop code is used, not for the underlying correctness of the LinkedLoop" 2 x ilej2 "Doesn't move backward correctly" "Only deduct if incorrect LinkedLoop code is used, not for the underlying correctness of the LinkedLoop" 1 3 dex "Operation: r" 2 4 dexx "Not implemented" 2 1 dex1 "Doesn't display 'no images' if image loop is empty" 2 1 dex2 "Doesn't display current context" "Current context should be displayed only if image loop does not become empty as a result of removing" 2 1 dex3 "Doesn't make the image after the removed image the current image" 2 1 dex4 "Doesn't display 'no images' if deleting results in an empty image loop" 2 1 dex5 "Incorrect" "Only deduct if incorrect LinkedLoop code is used, not for the underlying correctness of the LinkedLoop" 1 3 dea "Operation: a filename" 2 2 deax "Not implemented" 2 1 dea1 "Doesn't display current context" 2 1 dea2 "Incorrect" "Only deduct if incorrect LinkedLoop code is used, not for the underlying correctness of the LinkedLoop" 1 2 ded "Operation: i filename" 1 5 def "Operation: c string" 2 5 defx "Not implemented" 2 1 def1 "Doesn't display 'image not found' if image loop is empty" 2 1 def2 "Doesn't display current context" 2 1 def3 "Doesn't display 'image not found' if image is not in the image loop" 2 1 def4 "Doesn't start searching with image after the current image" "The current image should be the very last image checked" 2 1 def5 "Doesn't work correctly if try to find image more than one time" "E.g., doesn't wrap around and keep searching" 1 2 ileu "Operation: u time" 1 1 ilex "Operation: x" "Add comment if missing or incorrect, e.g., doesn't display 'exit'" 0 25 ll "LinkedLoop class" "Deduct all points at this level if class missing" 1 12 llx1 "Does not compile due to major or many minor errors" 1 6 llx2 "Does not compile due to minor error(s), which we fixed (-2/error)" 1 3 llinter1 "Doesn't implement LoopADT<E> interface" "Deduct 3 points if it doesn't have an implements clause; deduct 2 points if it implements LoopADT<Image>" 1 5 llgen "General" 2 4 llgen1 "Public method(s) and/or constructor(s) added to LinkedLoop class" "For each added method/constructor: if they end up using it in their ImageLoopEditor class, deduct 2 points (per added item); if they don't end up using it in their ImageLoopEditor class, deduct 1 point (per added item)" 2 1 llgen2 "Local variables made into data members" "For example, have an Iterator data member or DblListnode data member that is just a temporary variable" 1 1 llctor "Constructor missing/incorrect" 1 4 lladd "add" 2 4 lladdx "Not implemented" 2 2 lladd1 "Item added incorrectly" "For example, the pointers get messed up; don't deduct here if only the current pointer is incorrect (deduct below)" 2 1 lladd2 "New item did not become the current item" 2 1 lladd3 "Doesn't update size correctly" 1 3 llgetC "getCurrent" 2 2 llgetCx "Not implemented" 2 1 llgetC1 "Doesn't throw EmptyLoopException if image loop is empty" 2 2 llgetC2 "Returns the node instead of the node's data" 1 5 llremC "removeCurrent" 2 5 llremCx "Not implemented" 2 1 llremC1 "Doesn't throw EmptyLoopException if image loop is empty" 2 2 llremC2 "Item removed incorrectly" "For example, the pointers get messed up; don't deduct here if only the current pointer is incorrect (deduct below)" 2 1 llremC3 "Item after removed item did not become the current item" 2 1 llremC4 "Doesn't update size correctly" 1 2 llnext "next" 2 2 llnextx "Not implemented" 2 1 llnexti "Incorrect" 1 2 llprev "previous" 2 2 llprevx "Not implemented" 2 1 llprevi "Incorrect" 1 1 llempty "isEmpty not implemented or incorrect"" 1 1 llsize "size not implemented or incorrect" "Don't deduct here for not updating size in add or removeCurrent (deduct in those methods)" 1 2 lliter "iterator" 2 2 lliterx "Not implemented" 2 1 lliteri "Incorrect" 0 2 ele "EmptyLoopException class" 1 2 elex1 "Not submitted / doesn't compile" 1 1 ele1 "Not a checked exception" "Must extend Exception (or some subclass of Exception that except RuntimeException)" 1 2 ele2 "Incorrect" "Use this for errors that do not fall under the previous category. Note: body of class can be { }" 0 10 lli "LinkedLoopIterator class" 1 10 llix "Not submitted / doesn't complile" 1 2 lligen "Doesn't implement Iterator interface" 1 2 llictor "Constructor" "OK if public" 2 2 llictorx "Not implemented" 2 1 llictori "Incorrect" 1 2 llihasN "hasNext" 2 2 llihasNx "Not implemented" 2 1 llihasN1 "Doesn't correctly identify when beginning of linked loop is reached" 1 3 llinext "next" 2 3 llinextx "Not implemented" 2 1 llinext1 "Doesn't throw NoSuchElementException if there are no more elements" 2 2 llinext2 "Returns a node instead of the node's data" 1 1 llirem "remove" 2 1 lliremx "Missing" 2 1 llirem1 "Doesn't throw UnsupportedOperationException" 0 10 style_doc "Style and Documentation" "see grading notes for comments to add" 1 10 docx "No documentation" 1 3 file1 "File name not the same as the class name (-1 per file)" 1 3 file2 "File name is incorrect (-1 per file)" 1 1 style1 "Bad Style: line up braces" 1 1 style2 "Bad Style: use vertical whitespace" 1 1 style3 "Bad Style: use horizontal whitespace" 1 1 style4 "Bad Style: indent to show level of nesting" 1 1 style5 "Bad Style: lines must not exceed 80 columns" "Don't deduct if 5 or fewer lines exceed 80 columns; in that case add the comment 'Warning: some lines are longer than 80 characters'" 1 1 style6 "Bad Style: follow naming conventions" 1 1 style7 "Bad Style: use descriptive names" 1 2 style8 "Bad Style: data members should be private" 1 1 comment1 "Bad Commenting: each file requires a header comment" 1 1 comment2 "Bad Commenting: each class/method requires javadoc-style comments" 1 1 comment3 "Bad Commenting: use comments in method bodies"