Class jasmin.ClassFile
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Class jasmin.ClassFile


public class ClassFile
extends Object
A ClassFile object is used to represent the binary data that makes up a Java class file - it also serves as the public API to the Jasmin assembler, though users should beware: the API is likely to change in future versions (though its such a small API at the moment that changes are likely to have only a small impact).

To assemble a file, you first construct a jasmin.ClassFile object, then call readJasmin() to read in the contents of a Jasmin assembly file, then call write() to write out the binary representation of the class file.

There are a few other utility methods as well. See for an example which uses all of the public methods provided in ClassFile.

Constructor Index

 o ClassFile()
Makes a new ClassFile object, used to represent a Java class file.

Method Index

 o errorCount()
Returns the number of warnings/errors encountered while parsing a file.
 o getClassName()
Returns the name of the class in the file (i.e.
 o readJasmin(InputStream, String, boolean)
Parses a Jasmin file, converting it internally into a binary representation.
 o write(OutputStream)
Writes the binary data for the class represented by this ClassFile object to the specified output stream, using the Java Class File format.


 o ClassFile
  public ClassFile()
Makes a new ClassFile object, used to represent a Java class file. You can then use readJasmin to read in a class file stored in Jasmin assembly format.


 o readJasmin
  public void readJasmin(InputStream input,
                         String name,
                         boolean numberLines) throws IOException, Exception
Parses a Jasmin file, converting it internally into a binary representation. If something goes wrong, this throws one of an IOException, or a jasError, or one of a few other exceptions. I'll tie this down more formally in the next version.
input - is the stream containing the Jasmin assembly code for the class.
name - is the name of the stream. This name will be concatenated to error messages printed to System.err.
numberLines - true if you want Jasmin to generate line numbers automatically, based on the assembly source, or false if you are using the ".line" directive and don't want Jasmin to help out.
 o errorCount
  public int errorCount()
Returns the number of warnings/errors encountered while parsing a file. 0 if everything went OK.
 o getClassName
  public String getClassName()
Returns the name of the class in the file (i.e. the string given to the .class parameter in Jasmin)
 o write
  public void write(OutputStream outp) throws IOException, jasError
Writes the binary data for the class represented by this ClassFile object to the specified output stream, using the Java Class File format. Throws either an IOException or a jasError if something goes wrong.

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