2/18/98 Note Taker:- Rashid Ali -------------------------------------------------------------- Common mistakes in Project 1: -No Stack Operation = -15 -Inserts not working = -15 -Create & Delete affected registration = -10 -Lookup does'nt call registerStr() = -5 -Print does'nt looks at symbol table properly = -10 -Symbol Table stores copies of objects (C++) = -10 -Stack not implemented = -5 -Case insensitiveness not implemented = -10 -Look up failure = -10 -Serial No.s not handled properly = -10 -Insert not telling user id string already inserted = -5 -------------------------------------------------------------- Makefile -Makefile handout distributed in the class -This utility does 2 things 1)Remembers how to build a prog 2)What to Build The file can be created as TARGET: SOURCES [TAB] Code to make target -Neat thing about makefile is that it works for everything. For example: 2:55 2:56 2:57 2:58 (Initially) Prog: main.o step1.o step2.o dataaccess.o gcc -0 prog.o step1.o step2.o dataaccess.o 3:00 main.o:main.c step1.h step2.h dataaccess.h gcc -c main.c ...................... ...................... ...................... -If someone makes a change in some file say step2, then time of that will be changed. -Make will figure it and only complie that.