The following is the expected output if ant test is run: checkJLexNeeded: JLex: checkCupNeeded: Cup: checkASTNeeded: AST: [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /Users/charlesfischer/Documents/536 fall 2013/eclipse/cs 536 project 5/bin compile: test: [concat] { [concat] int a; [concat] int b; [concat] a = 123; [concat] b = 456; [concat] [concat] a= a+a; [concat] print( a+b-100); [concat] } [java] Begin CSX compilation of test.lite. [java] CSX program parsed correctly. [java] CSX compilation successfully completed. [java] Translated program is in test.j. [concat] ; CSX Lite program translated into Java bytecodes (Jasmin format) [concat] .class public test [concat] .super java/lang/Object [concat] .method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V [concat] .limit locals 2 [concat] ldc 123 [concat] istore 0 [concat] ldc 456 [concat] istore 1 [concat] iload 0 [concat] iload 0 [concat] iadd [concat] istore 0 [concat] iload 0 [concat] iload 1 [concat] iadd [concat] ldc 100 [concat] isub [concat] invokestatic CSXLib/printInt(I)V [concat] return [concat] .limit stack 10 [concat] .end method [java] Generated: test.class [move] Moving 1 file to /Users/charlesfischer/Documents/536 fall 2013/eclipse/cs 536 project 5/bin [java] 602 BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 6 seconds