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Instruction Nodes

Instruction nodes, implemented by the tree_instr class, are the leaves of the abstract syntax trees. Each instruction node contains a single instruction or expression tree which can be accessed using the instr method. The set_instr method attaches an instruction to a tree_instr, and the remove_instr method detaches an instruction. Note that remove_instr does not free the storage for the instruction, and unlike the remove method in the instruction class (see section Source Operands), it does not remove the instruction from its expression tree. Conversely, removing an instruction from an expression tree with the remove method will automatically call remove_instr if necessary.

The SUIF library automatically maintains back-pointers from instructions to their parent tree_instr nodes. As a result, the set_instr and remove_instr methods must always be used to attach and detach instructions to tree_instr nodes. Never use the instruction in a tree_instr elsewhere without first calling remove_instr, and never use set_instr with a tree_instr that already contains an instruction.

Unlike other tree nodes, instruction nodes are considered temporary objects. They are destroyed and created automatically by the SUIF library when switching between expression trees and flat lists, and their annotations and ID numbers are not written to the output files. Consequently, annotations should generally not be attached to them but should instead be placed directly on the instructions.

The destructor for the tree_instr class also deletes the instruction or expression tree contained in the node. This is the desired behavior for most cases. However, if you only want to delete the tree_instr node, simply call remove_instr first and save a pointer to the instruction.

Often in SUIF one needs to perform some operation on all the instructions in a procedure. The map methods in the tree_node and tree_node_list classes (see section Mapping Functions Over Subtrees) make it easy to visit all of the instruction nodes. Once an instruction node is reached, its instr_map method may be used to apply a function to every instruction in the associated expression tree. Given a function of type instr_map_f, instr_map will traverse the expression tree and apply the function to every instruction. The preorder parameter is used to select either preorder or postorder traversals; the default is preorder. The instr_map_f function takes two arguments: the instruction pointer and a void* value that you provide to instr_map.

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