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Procedure Nodes

A special kind of block node is used as the root of each AST. These tree_proc nodes are derived from the tree_block class. They are essentially the same as other block nodes, but they include a few extra methods and have a slightly different kind of symbol table. SUIF does not support nested procedures, so tree_proc nodes may only be used at the roots of ASTs.

A procedure node's symbol table must be a proc_symtab instead of just an ordinary block_symtab. The proc_syms method is provided to cast the symbol table pointer to be a proc_symtab. A tree_proc node also has a pointer to the symbol of the corresponding procedure. This pointer is set automatically when a tree_proc is attached to the procedure symbol. For any tree node in an AST, the proc method retrieves this procedure symbol from the tree_proc at the root of the tree.

Because tree_proc nodes are always at the roots of the ASTs, their parent list pointers (see section Other Features Shared by All Tree Nodes) are always NULL.

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