A lot of sales work is done by reaching out to multiple potential clients all at once via generated contact lists that can be purchased from online sources. We want to be able to reach out to everyone on those lists quickly and and efficiently. With this application, we are able to do the same thing many highly priced applicaitons already do. We can write a general format email and substitute in important information throughout to make the general email personalized for each person on the generated contact list.
This application was built on python with PySimpleGUI for the user interface. This leverages the simplegmail application to handle the Google Auth login. This then use a list of contacts in a .csv file to populate values in the marketing emails (see below for exapmles). This application will read over the csv's column names and replace them anywhere it finds them throughout the email, so long as they are surrounded by curly braces - {{ColumnName1}}.
Example email generation:
Convert *Above* template into multiple emails for different contacts *Below*
Sending a generic email to 3 different people using their names and company names all based off one single email template.