Pi Thermostat Project

Project Inspiration

A fun project to learn about web servers using a Raspberry Pi and Python Flask.

A coworker wanted a simple thermostat that he could control away from home and I was looking for a project.

Web App

Link to Pi Thermostat Web App

Parts List

Raspberry Pi 3B+

Adafruit DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor

3x Adafruit Relays

The thermostat has all the basic needs: scheduling, holding a temperature, fan on/auto, and having A/C or heat on/off

The configuration options are persisted in .txt files on the Raspberry Pi. Temperature and humidity readings are taken every 30 seconds and averaged out over the past 6 readings to remove outlier data from temporary air moving by. The thermostat uses hysteresis with an upper and lower limit 1°F away from the target to maintain a consistent temperature.

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