My Two Favorite Topics

My two favorite snacks are Cookies and Muffins

  1. Cookies
    Cookies are great because there is one for everyone, chocolate chip, blueberry, raspberry, anything can be in a cookie. Cookies make great gifts and are sure to impress. EVERYONE LIKES COOKIES. Cookies can be crunchy or soft, small or large. Here are 2 websites about Cookies:
  2. Muffins
    A good website about Muffins can be found at MuffinTips

Reason: I love snacking on treats, Chocolate chip cookies and chocolate chip Muffins are the BEST

My two favorite outdoor activities are Bicycling and Swimming

  1. Bicycling
    Bicycling is a fun outdoor sport, not only because it is good exercise, but it is fun to go fast under your own leg power. Bicycling can get a person from point a to point b much easier than walking. Here is a good Bicycle picture
  2. Here are two good Swimming pictures

Reason: I like to keep busy during the Summer and Swimming and Bicycling are two great things that I love to do not only with friends, but by myself as well.

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