Each semester, I sometimes pad discussion time with tips and tricks I like to use to enhance my Linux experience (read as: waste time customizing my environment). Maybe some day this will become a full-fledged repository for every cool thing that I or my acquaintances can think of, but for now it's just links to my most-customized configuration files. Read the comments in each file (I've marked them all with "Fred says:") for my explanations of the individual tips and tricks.
Each file (as I've posted them here) is named dotsomething.txt and corresponds to a file that should be named .something when used as a configuration file. Emacs (or at least XEmacs) will display these files with nice syntax coloring; just open ~fredrick/public/html/.something for each something.
.cshrc.local: configuration file for tcsh (or csh, I suppose), the default shell on the CSL's Linux machines.
.fvwm2rc: configuration file for FVWM2, the default window manager on the CSL's Linux machines. I know it's kind of ugly-looking by default, but it has some really cool features (that is, cool features that are available in a lot of other window managers, but I never bothered to figure out how to enable them in anything else). Note that, depending on the age of your CS account, this file might be located at ~/.fvwm/.fvwm2rc instead of just ~/.fvwm2rc.
.emacs: configuration file for Emacs and XEmacs. XEmacs is my editor of choice, followed closely by Emacs. Want scroll-wheel support? Get it here!