Here are some sample midterm questions. The term "spooling" means A. Using the same CPU for loading jobs from cards and processing jobs. B. Using a spool of tape for I/O. C. Structured Programming in an Object-Oriented Language. D. Using different disk drives for data and programs. E. Using the same disk drive for input and output. In Hoare's version of monitors (with signal and wait), the signal operation can block the caller A. If there are no processes blocked on a wait . B. If there are two processes blocked on a wait . C. If the signal call is not inside a critical section. D. Never. In the context of this course, a PCB is A. An environmental contaminant. B. A kind of queue. C. A machine instruction. D. A message-passing primitive. E. A data structure containing information about a process. Why might a "busy wait" synchronization algorithm be bad? *It may cause the CPU to overheat. A. True B. False *It causes memory contention with other processes. A. True B. False *It needlessly ties up a CPU. A. True B. False * It responds too slowly to events. A. True B. False How does an SJF scheduler behave when jobs all require the same amount of CPU time? A. FCFS B. RR C. SRTF D. STCF E. MLFQ Consider a system consisting of four resources of the same type that are shared by three processes, each of which needs at most two resources. Can deadlock ever occur? A. True B. False Memory contains 2 free blocks of size 20 and 10 bytes. Allocation request of 10 followed by 20 can be satisfied if the algoruthm used is: A. First fit B. Best fit C. Worst fit D. All of the above E. None of the above