R e a d i n g - L i s t
(based on Spring 2004 list)
Case Studies
1. Chamberlin, et al., A
history and evaluation of System R
2. Stonebraker, M., et al, The
Design and Implementation of INGRES
File Organizations and Access Methods
3. Comer, D., The
Ubiquitous B-Tree
4. Fagin, R., et al, Extendible
Hashing - A Fast Access Method for Dynamic Files
5. Nivergelt, J., et al., The
Grid File : An Adaptable, Systematic Multikey File
6. Guttman, A., R-Trees: A Dynamic Index
Structure for Spatial Searching
Semantic Data Model and
7. Zaniolo, C., The
Database Language GEM
Query Processing and Optimization
8. Shapiro, L. D., Join Processing in Database Systems with Large
main Memories
9. Selinger, P., et al., Access Path Selection in a Relational Database
Management System
Concurrency Control and Recovery
10. Gray, J., et al., Granularity of Locks and Degrees of Consistency in a
Shared Data Base
11. Haerder, T., and Reuter, A., Principles of Transaction-Oriented Database
12. Kung, H., and Robinson, J., On Optimistic Methods for Concurrency Control
13. Mohan, C., Haderle, D., Lindsay, B., Pirahesh, H., Schwarz, P., ARIES
14. Lehman, P., and Yao, S., Efficient Locking for Concurrent Operations on
Distributed and Parallel Databases
15. Lindsay, B., et al, Notes on Distributed Database System
16. Lohman, G., and Mackert, L., R*
Optimizer Validation and Performance for Distributed Queries
17. Mohan, C., Lindsay, B., and Obermarck R., Transaction Management in
the R* Distributed Database Management System
18. DeWitt, D., et al, The GAMMA Database Machine Project
Operating System Issues
19. Chou, H., and DeWitt, D., An Evaluation of Buffer Management Strategies
for Relational Database Systems
20. Stonebraker, M., Operating
System Support for Database Management
Database Theory
21. Aho, A., et al, Equivalencies
Among Relational Expressions
22. Furtado, A., and Casanova, M., Updating Relational Views
23. Chandra, A., Theory
of Database Queries
24. Date, C. D., and Fagin, R., Simple
Conditions for Guaranteeing Higher Normal Forms in Relational Databases
Logic and Databases
25. Aho, A., and Ullman, J., Universality
of Data Retrieval Languages
Object-Oriented Database Systems
26. Kim, W., Object-Oriented
Database Systems: Promises, Reality, and Future
27. Lamb, C., Landis, G., Orenstein, J., and Weinreb, D., The ObjectStore
Database System
28. Bancilhon, F., Cluet, S., and Delobel, C., A Query Language for the O2
Object-Oriented Database Systems
29. Carey, M., DeWitt, D., and Naughton, J., The 007 Benchmark
Temporal Databases
30. Snodgrass, R., and Ahn, I., A Taxonomy of Time in Databases
Decision Support
31. O'Neil, P., and D. Quass, Improved
Query Performance with Variant Indexes
32. Gray, J., et al.,
Data Mining
33. Agrawal, R., and Srikant, Fast
Algorithm for Mining Association Rules
34. Zhang, T., Ramkrishnan, R., and Livny, M., BIRCH : A Clustering Algorithm
for Large Multidimensional Datasets