Gait Analysis for Kids


This project focuses on the analysis of gait behaviors for young kids, such as normal and pathological gait.


For instance, the following figures show examples of children's footprint images captured by the sensor array of the GAITRite system: A. healthy child; B. moderate toe-walking; C. severe toe-walking.




A database of kid gait with pressure data has been assembled for our study. Upon the publication of our work [1], the database will be released to other researchers for further study of this interesting and challenging problem.


The database can be downloaded from here, which includes the training and test data files used in our research.


[1] G-D. Guo, K. Guffey, W. Chen, and P. Pergami, "Classification of Normal and Pathological Gait in Young Children Based on Foot Pressure Data", Neuroinformatics, in press.