Important Details for Midterm Exam
- You should bring your UW ID for the exam.
- The duration of the midterm exam is 2 hours.
- The exam is scheduled on Thursday, July 7th from 11 am - 1 pm.
- The exam will be conducted in Wendt Commons 410 .
- The exam will contain ONE programming problem. There may be sub problems within the same problem.
- You will be writing a java program using eclipse to solve the given problem.
- You are ALLOWED to do the following during the exam:
- Use your personal laptop OR a laptop in Wendt Commons 410.
- Use the INTERNET for accessing sites like CS302 course webpage, Stack Overflow, Google, etc.
- Use your textbook(hard copy / pdf version).
- Use your classnotes / cheat sheet during the exam.
- You are NOT ALLOWED to do the following during the exam.
- To discuss with anyone other than the instructors.
- To send email / SMS / chat messages to anyone within or outside the class.
- To use your mobile phone.