Project 1: Warm-up ProjectDue: Tuesday 6/27/17, 11:59 pm NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED IN THIS COURSE. NO EXCEPTIONS.Questions?Please post your questions on Piazza so that your classmates with similar problems can benefit from it. However, if the question is about your code, visiting during office hours is the most efficient way of getting help. You should not post your code on Piazza. OverviewThere are two parts to this project:
Click on the above links to learn more about what you should do. READ EACH CAREFULLY! Note: it will take a long time to read each and really make sure not to miss anything. Learning CIf you are not completely comfortable coding in C, read this tutorial. It has some useful tips for programming in the C environment. Read K+R (the course textbook on C) as it is a great introduction to the language. Familiarizing yourself with these topics will help you complete the programming projects:
You may also want to watch this video for a C tutorial. The tutorial is given by a former CS 537 instructor and goes over details of C that are especially useful for the projects in CS 537. The following topics are covered: pointers and arrays, structs, function pointers, preprocessor, multiple files, and gdb. Again, you might want to pause the video while you try out the examples yourself. NotesThis project must be done alone. Note that it is always OK to talk to others about your code, as well as help them debug their code. Copying code, however, is considered cheating. Don't do it! How will you learn that way? Read this for more info on what is OK and what is not. Keep your source code in a private directory. An easy way to do this is
to log into your account and first change directories into Handing It InFor the C/Linux part of this project (sorting), you should turn in one
file, called
so make sure it compiles in
such a manner. You should copy this file into your handin directory into the
subdirectory called linux .
The handin directory is shell% cp varsort.c ~cs537-1/handin/$USER/p1/linux/ For the xv6 part of the project, copy all of your source files (but not .o
files, please, or binaries!) into the
shell% make clean shell% cp -r . ~cs537-1/handin/$USER/p1/xv6 shell% cd ~cs537-1/handin/$USER/p1/xv6 shell% make shell% make clean Finally, into your p1 directory, please include a README file. In there, describe what you did a little bit (especially if you ran into problems and did not implement something). The most important bit, at the top, however, should be the authorship of the project. |