Point Example Requirements Specification
1) Create a class called Point that represents a point in two-dimensional space.
You should include the following members in your design:
an instance constant that wil be the name of the instance.
instance variables to hold the values of the coordinates.
accessor and mutator instance methods to access and change the values of the coordinate variables.
a constructor that just takes in the name.
a constructor that takes in the name and initial coordinate values.
a constructor that takes in the name, and another Point instance from which to copy the coordinate values.
the toString method, overridden from the Object class.
a public class method that takes in two Point instances, and return the decimal value euclidean distance between the instances,
based on their coordinate values.
2) In addition to the requirements listed above, add any methods or data that you need in order to conserve the Object-Oriented and
data abstraction approach. Follow all style guides, all commenting guides, and produce javadoc web pages when finished.
3) Then write a class to start a program running and test the Point class on a couple of instance objects. Verify that the results
of the output are correct for you test program.