Homework 1

All problems are from your book unless otherwise specified. This homework assignment is due on Wed, Feb 1 via your handin directory (see directions for submission below).

Problem 1

1.4 Part A (5 pts) & B (4 pts)
1.7 (4 pts)

Problem 2 (6 pts)


Problem 3

2.1 (3 pts)
2.5 (3 pts)

Problem 4

2.10 (3 pts)
2.11 (3 pts)

Problem 5 (5 pts)

Now add the next term (x^8/8!) and explain the change in your results. Do you think the pattern with continue with the addition of new terms? Why or why not?

Problem 6 (6 pts)

Include your m-file (in addition to the pdf with your answers) for the sine function evaluation so we can run your code.

Problem 7

3.6 (4 pts)
3.7 (2 pts)

Problem 8 (6 pts)


Note that your homework solutions must be submitted on one pdf (homework1.pdf) via your handin directory. You should also submit your supplementary m-files (prob6.m, prob7.m and prob8.m) to your handin directory. Note that for the chapter 2 problems, you should include your matlab code that you used to obtain your results (this can be included in your .pdf file). Details about how to create pdf's are found under the "faq" link on the left side of the course web page.

Submitting your homework to your handin directory

Each student has a personal handin directory where your work will be submitted for grading.

To submit your work until Feb 1 at noon:
cp homework1.pdf ~cs412-1/handin/login/homework1/.

To submit your work until Feb 2 at noon (for 25% off):
cp homework1.pdf ~cs412-1/handin/login/homework1-25/.

To submit your work until Feb 3 at noon (for 50% off):
cp homework1.pdf ~cs412-1/handin/login/homework1-50/.

In all cases, "login" is your CS login and I am assuming you are in the directory containing your homework1.pdf. For more help on copying files in UNIX using "cp", type "man cp" at the xterm prompt.

Note that the prior "cp" statements only copy your PDF file, but you also need to copy your m-files. To do this, just replace "homework1.pdf" with the appropriate m-file that you need to copy.

Checking that you submitted the correct files

Make sure that you copied all of your intended files by viewing all of the files in your handin directory.

ls ~cs412-1/handin/login/homework1/

Where "login" is your CS login. In case you submitted your work into a different homework directory (eg. homework1-25), just substitute "homework1" for the appropriate directory.