Homework 2 Solution

Question 1 | Question 2 | Question 3

Question 1

Part a

expr → expr OR term 
     | term
term → term item 
     | item
item → item STAR 
     | item PLUS 
     | LTR 
     | EPS 
     | LPAR expr RPAR

Note: the solution is not unique.

Part b

Question 2

CFG 1:

This CFG doesn't allow empty list. Here is a string that is a legal set expression but is not in the language of the CFG:

{ }

CFG 2:

This CFG is ambiguous. Below are two different parse trees for the string { }. Different parse trees can also be built for expressions with operators so that one tree groups the subexpressions correctly (according to the precedence and associativeity rules) and the other does not.

   exp               exp
  /   \               |
 {     }             term
                    /   \
                   {     }

This CFG also allows a list of names to start with a comma. Here is a string that is not a legal set expression but is in the language of the CFG:

{ , NAME }

CFG 3:

This CFG doesn't allow parentheses around the right-hand operand of a union or intersection. Here is a legal set expression that is not in the language of the CFG:

{ } ∪ ( { } )

CFG 4:

This CFG doesn't allow two or more unions in a row. Here is a legal set expression that is not in the language of the CFG:

{ } ∪ { } ∪ { } 

It also doesn't allow a union to the right of an intersection. Here is another legal set expression that is not in the language of the CFG:

{ } ∩ { } ∪ { } 

CFG 5:

This CFG is correct.

Question 3

Part a

Grammar rule Translation rule
program → MAIN LPAREN RPAREN LCURLY list RCURLY program.trans = list.trans
list → list oneItem list1.trans = list2.trans ∪ oneItem.trans
list → epsilon list.trans = { }
oneItem → decl oneItem.trans = { }
oneItem → stmt oneItem.trans = stmt.trans
decl → BOOL ID SEMICOLON no translation rule needed
decl → INT ID SEMICOLON no translation rule needed
stmt → ID ASSIGN exp SEMICOLON stmt.trans = { ID.value } ∪ exp.trans
stmt → IF LPAREN exp RPAREN stmt stmt1.trans = exp.trans ∪ stmt2.trans
stmt → LCURLY list RCURLY stmt.trans = list.trans
exp → exp PLUS exp exp1.trans = exp2.trans ∪ exp3.trans
exp → exp LESS exp exp1.trans = exp2.trans ∪ exp3.trans
exp → exp EQUALS exp exp1.trans = exp2.trans ∪ exp3.trans
exp → ID exp.trans = { ID.value }
exp → BOOLLITERAL exp.trans = { }
exp → INTLITERAL exp.trans = { }

Part b

Last Updated: 2/11/2025     © 2025 CS 536