Dungeon Runner

Group 6: Dungeon Runner

Matthew Asplund mwasplund@wisc.edu
Shane Sok ssok@wisc.edu
Rachina Ahuja rahuja3@wisc.edu
Christopher Hopmam cjhopman@wisc.edu

Our game was created with the original pitch for the Dungeon Runner Game in mind. (With Prof. Gliechers Notes)

While working on the game we used a Demo Site extensively to make sure the animations and model loading was working correctly. At this site we could press NUM_1 and bring up a display that lets us jump between our models and also the shaders we used. By doing this we could test all the combinations of rendering so we could help improve the feel of the game.

In addition to the model viewer page we also created an entire Level Editor page for the creation of levels.

After the first playtest we compiled our notes together and came up with some great ideas for improvements on the first iteration of our game. (Play Test Review)

After it is all said and done we have some Advice for future students.

Give our game a try for yourself

Dungeon Runner!

Or check out our game Walkthrough.

Music From WordPress Article
Music Icons From Icon Archive