Dungeon Runner

Play Test Review

The main things that our group saw during the playtest was that the controls were bad. It was also noted that the player didn't have a body, some people seemed to like this, but some found it different... It was also hard for the players to tell which direction they were going to attack since the player wasnt facing the direction that the attacks went. People also thought that there needed to be more reference points so they could tell where they were in the level, even if it was simply a texture on the ground to see movement. Animations for attack would also be a good idea. Melee attacks were too hard to use, and too hard to switch between different attacks.

For the final handin we plan on making the game awesome. To do this we will update our controls to better suit the playing style. We are also working on completing levels and revamping the rendering so it is beautiful. We are also going to incorporate more models/bad guys.

We would like to turn it in on December 21st at 2:30pm, so it is done in time for the playtest during the final time slot.

-Matt, Chris, Shane, Rachina