So this is a little bit of playing around with random walks.

A little explanation. Our little guy starts in the middle, at each turn he moves 1 step on the plane with integer coordinates. He will wrap around like a little pac-man when he gets to the edge. Also, at each turn he takes one step in the bounded 3-dimensional sRGB color space, starting near the middle at (125, 125, 125). (Alpha is always 255)
One thing to note, if the man is on one of the bounds of the color space and should technically have less than 6 moves with equal probability, he currently has equal chance of the standard 6 moves, and if he moves out of his bounds it just sends him back the other way.
Speed is controlled via Thread.sleep() and currentTimeMillis(). Max speed on the slider should just run pretty much as fast as possible due to the poor timer resolution. My computer maxes out around 4800 and some of the comps at the university max out around 10000. The low end should be around 50 turns per second.
The little counter in the bottom is the number of turns taken since the last clear.

Changes planned include the option to restrict our little man to subsets of the sRGB color space for nice pretty effects and that's about it.
Future project possibility, a similar random walk in 3 spatial dimensions

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