Answers to Self-Study Questions

Test Yourself #1

Part (a):

	  |  Enter                        |
	  | L1:                           |
          |   read a                      |
          |   read x                      |
          |   ans = 1                     |
	  |   goto L2                     |
	  | L2:                           |
          |   if (x > 0)                  |---------+
	  |   then goto L3                |         |
	  |   else goto L4                |<--+     |
          +-------------------------------+   |     |
	                   |                  |     |
			   v                  |     |
          +-------------------------------+   |     |
	  | L3:                           |   |     |
          |   ans = ans * a               |   |     |
          |   x = x - 1                   |---+     |
	  |   goto L2                     |         |
          +-------------------------------+         |
	  | L4:                           |
          |   print ans                   |
	  |   goto Exit                   |         
	  |  Exit:                        |
	  |    return                     |

Part (b): Here is the trace of the execution of the PE algorithm.

Stmt S Current bb vs Emitted Code
<L1, (2)>
read a L1 2 read a
read x
ans = 1 ans = 1
goto L2
if (x > 0) then goto L3 else goto L4 L2
ans = ans * a L3 ans = ans * a
x = x - 1 1
goto L2
if (x > 0) then goto L3 else goto L4 L2
ans = ans * a L3 ans = ans * a
x = x - 1 0
goto L2
if (x > 0) then goto L3 else goto L4 L2
print ans L4 print ans

And here is the residual program:

read a
ans = 1
ans = ans * a
ans = ans * a
print ans

Test Yourself #2 and #3

Here is the CFG for the example program (in its high-level form), and the PDG for the high-level form.

test 2 and test 3


Here is the low-level version of the program shown in its CFG form:

test 4 low level

Assuming that the initial classification of the inputs is

the uniform division of the variables is:

Here is a trace of the PE algorithm:

Stmt S Current bb vs Emitted Code
<L1,(len:3, n:0)>
read array L1 vs0 = (len:3, n:0) read array
read len
result = 0 result = 0
goto L2
if (n < len) then goto L3 else goto L7 L2 vs0
item = array[n] L3 item = array[0]
if(even(item)) then goto L4 else goto L5 if(even(item)) then goto <L4,vs0> else goto <L5, vs0>
<L4, vs0>
result = result + item L4 vs0 result = result + item
goto L6
n = n+1 L6 vs1 = (len:3,n:1)
goto L2
if (n < len) then goto L3 else goto L7 L2 vs1
item = array[n] L3 item = array[1]
if(even(item)) then goto L4 else goto L5 if(even(item)) then goto <L4,vs1> else goto <L5, vs1>
<L5, vs0>
result = result - item L5 vs0 result = result - item
goto L6
n =n + 1 L6 vs1
goto L2
if (n < len) then goto L3 else goto L7 L2 vs1
item = array[n] L3 item = array[1]
if(even(item)) then goto L4 else goto L5 if(even(item)) then goto <L4,vs2> else goto <L5, vs2>
result=result+item L4 vs1 result = result + item
goto L6
n = n + 1 L6 vs2 = (len:3, n:2)
goto L2
if (n < len) then goto L3 else goto L7 L2 vs2
item = array[n] L3 vs2 item = array[2]
if(even(item)) then goto L4 else goto L5 if(even(item)) then goto <L4,vs2> else goto <L5, vs2>
result = result - item L5 vs1 result = result - item
goto L6
n = n + 1 L6 vs2
goto L2
if (n < len) then goto L3 else goto L7 L2 vs2
item = array[n] L3 vs2 item = array[2]
if(even(item)) then goto L4 else goto L5 if(even(item)) then goto <L4,vs2> else goto <L5, vs2>
result = result + item L4 vs2 result = result + item
goto L6
n =n + 1 L6 vs3 = (len:3,n:3)
goto L2
if (n < len) then goto L3 else goto L7 L2 vs3
print result L7 print result
return return
result = result - item L5 vs2 result = result - item
goto L6
n =n + 1 L6 vs3
goto L2
if (n < len) then goto L3 else goto L7 L2 vs3
print result L7 print result
return return

And here is the residual program: