Instructor: Hyunseung Kang
Email: (remove all marine mammals from the e-mail address)
Office: 1245B Medical Sciences Center (MSC)
Syllabus: Syllabus

Course Overview

The purpose of the course is to prepare graduate students to start research in causal inference. At the end of the course, students will

  1. Understand key concepts in causal inference (counterfactuals/potential outcomes, confounding, missing data)
  2. Learn how to identify causal estimands
  3. Learn how to estimate/infer causal estimands


The official prerequisite for the course is to be in graduate/professional standing. The effective prerequisites are:

  1. Working understanding of graduate-level probability theory, mathematical statistics, and linear models (i.e. at the level of Stat 609/610 and Stat 849/850). Specifically, you need to know
    • conditional expectations and independence
    • convergence of random variables
    • properties of maximum likelihood estimators
    • statistical properties of generalized linear models
    • Wald tests and likelihood ratio tests
    • nonparametric two-sample tests (e.g., permutation test)
  2. Be able to design simulations that numerically validate properties of estimators (e.g. bias, variance, convergence) and statistical tests (e.g. Type I error rate, power, coverage of confidence intervals)
  3. Working understanding of the software R (e.g. write/debug/test R code or install/run/work with existing R packages)

Assignment, Quizzes, and Exams

There are no exam and quizzes for grading.

There is one graded assignment, which is to summarize a paper listed in the syllabus; see the syllabus for more details. The assignment is due March 7, 2025, at 5:00pm Madison local time .

Lecture Notes